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告密者把他们出卖给了警察。The informer betrayed them to the police.

我们的任何一位雇员都有可能成为告密者。Any one of our employees could be the informer.

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咱们的任罕救嘶位雇员都域许成为告密者。Any one of our employees could be the informer.

线人给我们提供了非常有价值的线报。The informer provided very important clues for us.

警方给线人提供了一个安全屋。The police provided a safe house for the informer.

向报纸披露独家隐私的人往往可以获得巨额的金钱回报。Kiss-and-tell stories can earn a lot of money for the informer.

这位消息灵通人士所提供的情报已经被发现是错误的。The info provided from this informer was found to be inaccurate.

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歹徒头目决定要将告密者用汽车绑架去干掉。The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride.

这个VDC里的一个官方书记也曾做过警察的侦探。An official secretary in this VDC had also been acting as an informer for the police.

公安局奖励了那起特大杀人案的出首者。The police station granted a reward to the informer of the extraordinary murder case.

据线人报告,今晚他们将有一批毒品走私进关。According to the informer , a group of drugs will be smuggled in through the border tonight.

另外有些被告发的人起先供认自己是基督徒,后来又否认。Others who were named by the informer at first confessed themselves christians, and then denied it.

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我们要在新娘睫毛根部的上方画1条眼线,手不能抖,要慢慢的化。We must draw 1 informer in the bridal eyelash root's place above, the hand cannot shake, must slowly.

如果你讲话时挥动胳膊占了很多空间,那么你就是个很好的听众和信息提供者。If you take a lot of space while talking by moving your arms about, you are a good informer and good listener.

由于沙威里奇说他没有往家里写过信,彼得只能断定是希瓦卜林告的密。As Savelitch denied having written a letter home, Peter could only conclude that Shvabrin had been the informer.

但是德国人用了一些转述和报告来应付他们的对手,这样美国人就不能与这个金牌告密者取得直接联系。But the Germans fobbed off their rivals with transcripts and reports, blocking direct access to their prize informer.

难道她们三个人之间真的有人是凶手安排在我身边做卧底的眼线?They are three person's true somebody is a murderer arrangement to neighboring do to act from inside at me of informer?

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于是国王带了一大群人马,在这位通报者的带路下,浩浩荡荡地向著金鹿居住的树林出发了。Then the king took a very large troop of soldiers and the informer , and set out for the forest where the golden deer dwelled.

但任务并非想象那么简单,肖恩为救其线人,不惜以身犯险,最终被诬陷为杀人犯。But the task is not to imagine that simple to save the informer Sean, at danger in order to eventually be framed for the murder.

对举报“黄赌毒”违法犯罪行为,一经查实,给予举报人一定数额的经济奖励。On the report "pornography" illegal and criminal acts, once verified, to give an informer a certain amount of economic incentives.