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做好事。Do a good deed.

债券是正式的契据。A bond is a formal deed.

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无邪举止更能帮助你。Better deed could better do.

他高尚的行为值得称颂。His noble deed deserves praise.

恶劣行径带不来荣誉。An ill deed cannot bring honour.

你有房产证吗?Do you have the deed to the house?

他为自己的?行感到悔恨。He felt remorse for his evil deed.

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我永远都不会忘记你的好心肠的。I will never forget your kind deed.

某些最傲慢的行为、想法Of some most haughty deed or thought

好心遭雷劈是吧?。No good deed goes unpunished, does it?

他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。His last act must be a deed of impiety.

如此行为会降低你的名声。Such deed will derogate from your fame.

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同时受公用契约规限的范围。Area also subject to Deed of Dedication.

他问我是否持有这所房子的房契。He asked if I had the deed to the house.

一个在行为或语言中不犯错误的人。Never has wronged a man in deed or word.

日子越美好,事业越顺当。The better the day, the better the deed.

童军的思想、言语及行为是纯真的。Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

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但警察认为佩尔蒂科内是拿了邻居的。But cops think Perticone did the deed himself.

这笔钱是根据契约书付给我们的。The money was given to us by deed of covenant.

这位工人的行为超越了职责的要求。The worker's deed was beyond the call of duty.