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这对双胞胎长大后创建了罗马帝国。These twins, Romulus and Remus, went on to found Rome.

最后罗莫路打赢了战争,城市也由此更名为罗马。Romulus won the battle and the city became known as Rome.

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按照古老的传说,罗穆卢斯是古罗马的建国者。According to the old tradition, Romulus was the founder of Rome.

罗穆卢斯和约瑟夫来到了洞穴内部,一个宽阔的宫殿出现在他们的视野里。Romulus and Joseph came inside the cave, and a large palace appeared in their sight.

罗明称自己是“头5个会说中文的罗马尼亚人之一”。Romulus Ioan Budura claimed himself "one of the first five Romanians who could speak Chinese."

那间房子只不过是3月30号在附近迪尔伯恩一宾馆里REDC拍卖的几十间房屋当中的一间。The house in Romulus was one of dozens REDC auctioned on March 30th at a hotel in nearby Dearborn.

罗穆卢斯警署的负责人圣约翰理查说,警方已经设法寻找男孩的其他亲人,男孩正在抚养院。The child is in foster care while police try to find his other relatives, Romulus police Lt. John Leacher said.

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罗穆卢斯和约瑟夫来到了雪山脚下,他们开始攀爬这座看不到顶端的山峰。Romulus and Joseph came to the foot of the snow mountain, they began to climb the top of the mountain can't see.

庆祝仪式在卢帕卡尔洞穴开始,据说那里是卢帕狼哺育罗姆鲁斯和拉姆斯这两个婴儿的地方。The celebration began at the Lupercal cave, where the wolf Lupa was said to have suckled the infant Romulus and Remus.

神话故事中的野孩子最有名的要数罗马城的建立者罗慕路斯和雷穆斯。The most famous of all the fairy tales about wild children, however, are Romulus and Remus , the founders of Rome. The twins.

一位罗穆卢斯酒店老板山姆向底特律新闻说,最近该男孩穿着一身宽大睡衣到他酒店买了一些小吃。The boy came into Romulus Liquor in recent days wearing pajama bottoms and buying snacks, store owner Sam Saco told The Detroit News.

桑枝是一种重要的药用植物资源,一直作为民间常用中药。Romulus Mori is a sort of significant pharmacological plant resource, and has been utilizing as the common traditional Chinese medicine.

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对罗穆卢斯来说,没有待在阿尔巴也是必须的,他也必须在出生时就被抛弃,只有这样他才可能成为罗马的国王和那个国家的缔造者。It was necessary for Romulus not to stay in Alba, and that he be exposed at birth, so that he might become king of Rome and founder of that nation.

包括西班牙绘画大师萨尔瓦多·达利的画作、沙特阿拉伯王子赠送的纯金马车的模型,以及意大利出品的希腊神话中罗穆卢斯神及瑞摩斯神的青铜雕塑。There are pictures by Spanish artist Salvador Dali, a model of the state coach in pure gold from a Saudi Arabian prince and a bronze sculpture of Romulus and Remus from Italy.

有关人士称,41岁的该妇女于1月9号死于罗穆卢斯底特律郊区的一所公寓里面,那位男孩仅通过食用干大米,黄油,面粉来生存。The woman, 41, apparently died Jan. 9 in their apartment in the Detroit suburb of Romulus , and the boy survived in part by eating dried rice, butter and flour, authorities said.

一只乌鸦改变了安德鲁的想法,约瑟夫出现了,他对国王讲述了雪山上发生的事情,“如果罗穆卢斯打开了传送门,南方的士兵可以为我们赢取这场战争。”A crow has changed the idea of Andrew, Joseph appeared, he tells the story of the Snow Mountain happened to the king, "if Romulus opened the portal, southern soldiers can we win this war."

在二月的第十五天开始的古罗马牧神节是一个为了纪念罗马农业之神福纳斯的生产、繁殖的节日,同时也是为了纪念罗马的建立者罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯。Lupercalia, which began at the ides ofFebruary, February 15, was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.

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牧神节是一个古罗马生育节,每年2月15日举行,人们会在这一天献祭罗马农神福纳斯、以及罗马的建立者罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯。Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.