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是的,至少在汽车方面是这样的。Yes, as far as motoring is concerned.

大雪加上灯火管制使得车辆行驶成了危险的事。The snow and the blackout combined to make motoring perilous.

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所以,我们的责任是向汽车报界宣传斯柯达的产品质量。So, our job was to communicate the quality of Skoda to the motoring press.

我喜欢驼驼车,摩托轰鸣就像把你的头放进了一架搅拌机。I love tuk-tuks, the motoring equivalent of putting your head in a blender.

石油储量既然有限,我们还能把那么多的石油用于私人汽车吗?Can we afford to use so much of our limited petroleum supplies for private motoring?

为了进一步提高其受欢迎程度,BMW于1990年推出了一种新的后轮轴。To further improve motoring sensation, BMW introduces a new kind of rear axle in 1990.

以下谨为大家奉上笔者精选的10款2011年夏季时尚敞篷车。Herewith, my 10 picks for stylish motoring from Southampton to Sedona in the summer of 2011

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一项在机动车安全前沿领域的研究是有关车内数字化辅助设施的。One cutting edge area of research in motoring safety is the use of digital in-car assistants.

这就是为什么我们坐在他的沃尔沃上驶往康尼岛以体验傍晚的交通热潮。Which is why we're weathering the late afternoon heat in his Volvo, motoring to Coney Island.

一小时后他们落地驱车往西南到一个叫朗格多克的地区。An hour later they were on the ground and motoring southwest into the region known as the Languedoc.

由于推出了独具匠心的T型车,福特成为了全世界第一家把汽车引进百姓家的汽车公司。With its ingenious Model T, Ford became the first car company in the world to bring motoring to the masses.

日本汽车生产商丰田与德国宝马将合作开发环境友好型发动机技术。Japanese carmaker Toyota and Germany's BMW are to work together on environmental-friendly motoring technology.

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你可以知道你下山会比上山快一点,这个正的不错。This is very nice because you should be motoring at a faster pace downhill, compared to when you trudge uphill.

而且,这当然也取决于新型插入式和纯电动车成为主流乘驾方式的速度。Much, of course, will depend on how quickly the new plug-ins and pure electrics become part of mainstream motoring.

就目前而言,中国经济表现良好,这为南非及其货币兰特提供了间接支持。For now, the Chinese economy is motoring along fine, indirectly supporting South Africa and the rand in the process.

那两个帝国师的士兵已经显得很冷了,但是这种天气还要持续几个星期。These Reich motorcyclists already look cold in their motoring coats and extreme weather was still several weeks off.

甲壳虫将亲切的外形、毫无压力的人体工学与卓越的性能和敞篷设计交融在一起。The Beetle combines a familiar shape and non-threatening ergonomics with decent performance and true open-air motoring.

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这个著名的称号授予了敞篷车委员会的23位来自12个国家的汽车记者投票了。This prestigious title was awarded by a Cabriolet Committee made up of 23 motoring journalists from 12 different countries.

使用本采集系统我们连续采集了492QC、492WQB发动机倒拖工况的各缸压力。The cylinder pressures of engines type 492QC, 492WQB were measured continuously and simultaneously under motoring condition.

诊断结果表明该方法是可行的,便于实现柴油机气阀机构故障的在线实时监测与诊断。The results show that the method is feasible and effective to achieving the on-line motoring and diagnosis of valve train faults.