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让我们运用我们的克制态度和坚定信念。Let us exercise forbearance and firmness.

他在剧中扮演希特勒一角。He acted with forBearance toward the hecklers.

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我们已经忍了很久了,再也忍不下去了。We have tolerance for a long time, and cease forbearance not go on.

但是及其勇敢者所表现出的忍耐是真正的宽恕。But the forbearance shown by a valiant and brave person is true forgiveness.

但是仅仅是忍耐不能做为巴基斯坦问题的一个长期答案。But forbearance alone cannot be a long-term answer to the problem of Pakistan.

然而,即使是对魔法如此严令禁止,也给他们带来了很多麻烦,这一点鲍什深有体会。Even this forbearance has led to a great deal of trouble, as Boush can attest.

同胞们,只能以相同的忍耐来保护我们的联盟。Our Confederacy,fellow_citizens,can only be preserved by the same forbearance.

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那次印度已表现了令人钦佩的忍耐力,双方一直抗议,但并没有剑拔弩张。This time India has shown admirable forbearance. There has been remonstrance but no sabre-rattling.

换而言之,对待这些孩子,只需多一点耐心和包容,特别是有些幽默感,就可以做到游刃有余了。In other words, a little patience and forbearance -- not to mention a sense of humor -- can go a long way.

感谢那些纳税人更好的忍耐能力,美国的“天使”投资人数量是欧洲的至少50倍。America has at least 50 times as many “angel” investors as Europe, thanks to the taxman’s greater forbearance.

投资者中有一半期待迪拜世界寻求银行的宽限,将其债务延期。Investors had half-expected Dubai World to seek forbearance from its bankers, asking them to extend their loans.

这爱中有太多的折磨、太多的自制、与太多的焦虑,除了无穷无尽的忍耐,这些就成了它的一切。There is too much torment, renunciation, and anxiety in this love for it to be anything but infinite forbearance.

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没有生产力的基础,通货和忍耐达到了极限,这些泡沫资产的必须压缩。Without a productive foundation, as reflation and forbearance reach their limits, those bubble assets must deflate.

相反,持怀疑态度的人士质疑当前的好状况是否主要与宽松的会计体系和监管体系有关。Conversely, sceptics wonder if the current good news may have more to do with weak accounting and regulatory forbearance.

同样的纵容,让美国压力越来越大的商用物业市场无法得到清理。The same kind of forbearance is preventing America's increasingly distressed commercial real-estate market from clearing.

基督教关于浪子回头的动人的寓言,目的就是劝告我们对人要仁慈,要宽容。Christianity is ever-present, with its wonderful parable of the prodigal son, to urge us to counsels of forbearance and forgiveness.

在现代,最普遍的减免债务方法是债务偿还期的延展和债务重组以防出现烂帐。In modern times, the most common alternatives to debt relief in cases where debt cannot be paid are forbearance and debt restructuring.

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当我们阅读菩萨——未来佛本生故事时,我们由此知道佛是如何培养宽容和忍耐的完美品质的。When we read the birth stories of Bodhisatva , the future Buddha, we learn how He cultivated the Perfection of patience and forbearance.

他们还生来就有无可比拟的耐性以及无与伦比的忍痛能力,因为他们很清楚自己对病痛无能为力。He is gifted with a matchless patience, and with unparalleled forbearance under ills the causes of which are perceived to be beyond his reach.

罗二4还是你藐视他丰富的恩慈、宽容与恒忍,不晓得神的恩慈是领你悔改?。Or do you despise the riches of His kindness and forbearance and long-suffering, not knowing that God's kindness is leading you to repentance?