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帝权以领土为基础,同时又有非领土层面的含义。Imperium has its territorial basis and non-territorial implications.

现在甚至未来几十年的世界秩序是美国帝权体系。The American imperium is the world order of today and for decades to come.

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帝国广场表示已准备好成为一个可持续喷气燃料的主要供应商。Plaza says Imperium is ready to be a major supplier of sustainable jet fuel.

而后,整个帝国的魔法领主都在全副武装的守卫组成的人墙后忐忑地生活了三天。For three days, every magister lord of the Imperium lived behind a wall of armored guards.

人类诞生过许多英雄,有理想的英雄们的奉献使帝国免于崩溃。Mankind boasts many heroes, men of purpose and dedication without the imperium would crumble.

帝权与地区秩序之间呈双向互动关系,地区核心国家是帝权的支持国。The American imperium is a two-way street. The core state in a region is the supporter state of the imperium.

步行者系列载具遍及整个帝国,因为他们几乎能在任何地形上活动。Walker-style vehicles are often seen throughout the Imperium as they offer movement in almost any type of terrain.

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他是帝国腐尸的君主,每日需祭以成千灵魂,方能护持他并不真正死亡。He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

这样的事情将会发明一个新的邪神,并且发明一个横跨整个帝国的新害怕之眼。Such an event would create a fifth God of Chaos and create another Eye of Terror, one which would span the entire Imperium.

中国正在消费者和尚武精神两种倾向之间徘徊,中国构成了美国自由统治的主要常规威胁。Pulsing with consumer and martial energy, China constitutes the principal conventional threat to America's liberal imperium.

帝国是建立在我们现有的生物柴油厂,技术以及加入到该设施的能力为重点。Imperium is focused on building that technology at our existing bio-diesel plant and adding on to the facility's capabilities.

这一新生政权曾同西鲁克帝国有过冲突,他们同时为迎接更多恐怖的威胁做出了准备,其中很可能包含遇战疯人的威胁。This new faction crushed the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium and prepared for many more dire threats, which possibly included the Yuuzhan Vong.

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而更思维慎密的人们可能已经开始,从沉迷于有一个人要单枪匹马推翻强大的美国帝国的堂吉诃德式的戏剧中,清醒过来。More thoughtful ones may stop to ponder the remarkable Quixotic drama of a single man who set out to overturn the mighty American Imperium.

血斧是兽人各氏族里最早遭逢人类帝国军事实力的,受其文明劝化也最多。The Blood Axes were the first clan to encounter the armies of the Imperium , and it is they who have had most contact with the Imperial culture.

那么,与旧式大英帝国或新兴美帝国相比,中国文化影响力几乎没有,并不大可能增长。Well, compared with the old British Empire, and the new American imperium , Chinese cultural influence is virtually nil, and unlikely to increase.

暗夜幽魂迅速接受了帝国的教育,尽管的他的习惯仍然暗自保留,甚至在被引见去见基因原体兄弟时也是一样。Night Haunter quickly adapted to the teachings of the Imperium , though his manner remained dourand silent, even when introduced to his brother Primarchs.

积攒经验点,或者和你刚结识的电脑伙伴完成任务,或者重夺政权并挽救即将崩溃的王国。Rack up the old experience points. Or fulfill the quest your friendly GM has just inflicted on you. Or rebuild the Imperium and stave off civilization's final collapse.

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早前支持伊拉克战争并鼓吹美国统治权的卡普兰如今敦促政府成为团队中的一员,这真是相当惊人。This is a rather astounding statement. This early supporter of the Iraq War and cheerleader for the American imperium is now urging his government to become a team player.

他们的决议已经无人知道了,但是整个事件被当作一件耻辱被深深的埋藏了起来。What decision they reached has been lost to history, but the conclusion of this terrible chain of events is engraved deeply in the tragic story of the Imperium 's darkest hour.

但是就在法令颁布的时候,缓慢但有力的帝国法律却不能惩罚暗夜幽魂了,因为一场前所未有的大叛乱正在成为现实。But as the edict was issued, and the slow but powerful arm of Imperial law stretched out to Night Haunter, the greatest betrayal the Imperium had ever seen came to terrible fruition.