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每个PRI都能提供与T1或DS1连线相同的服务。PRI offers the same service as a T1 or DS1 connection.

那些债权人一旦得到法院的判决,就可依照维蒙特的债务法使你下狱。Once the creditors obtained a judgment, they could have you thrown into pri son under Vermont ' s debtor' s law.

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本系统利用现有的固定电话网络,基于PRI信令构建了一个关于家庭安防业务的服务平台。The system constructed a family security service platform based on present fixed phone network and PRI Signaling.

PRI跟踪器在选定雷达预定的到达时间内产生了一系列门脉冲序列,选通角跟踪器。The PRI tracker generates a series of gate pulses at the same time of desired signals, and turns on the angular tracker.

引入了优先级的概念来协调各功能模块之间因争夺网络资源而引起的冲突。The conc eption of PRI is introduced to harmonize the conflict among function models, w hi ch scrabble for the right to send data by network.

基于混合信号系统的数据处理及控制部分体积小、功耗低,实现了现场处理、现场打印和数据上传等功能。With small volume and low power consumption, the part of data processing and control, based on the mixed-signal system, can make field analysis, field pri.

PRI集中体现了那些投资巨头的核心观点,他们的视野往往更加宽阔,投资组合也更加多种多样。The PRI reflects the core values of the group of large investors whose investment horizon is generally long, and whose portfolios are often highly diversified.

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通过引入顾客需求紧急性系数,建立了考虑客户需求优先级的货物配装问题的模型。By introducing the urgent coefficient of customs need, the model of freight loading problems considering the PRI of customers need is established in this paper.

事实上,民主导致了墨西哥的联邦主义,批评人士称,许多革命制度党执政州的州长比他们20世纪的前辈还要胆大妄为。In fact, as democracy has engendered federalism in Mexico, critics say many PRI state governors have gotten even more brazen than their 20th-century forerunners.

论文重点放在配套企业主生产计划的制定上,提出在主生产计划制定过程中考虑生产需求量柔性决策和产品优先级排序的观点。The paper, whose emphases is the establishment of supply enterprises'MPS, propose taking production demand decision-making and production PRI taxis into account.

采用基于优先级的抢占式任务调度方式处理自动检票机软件各任务间的关系,检票交易数据的处理时机与数据量因子和时间间隔因子相关。The relationships of processes is arranged based on PRI dispatching. The time for dealing with business data is relative with the quantity of data and time interval.

泌尿道支原体感染经验治疗应使用DOT、JOS和PRI,使用其他药物时应有药敏试验结果作依据。For experiential therapy to Mycoplasma infection, DOT, JOS and PRI are good choices, the other antibiotic should be used on guideline of antibiotic susceptibility test.

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改进的PRI变换法克服了直方图统计法的子谐波问题,对脉冲重复间隔具有很高的估计精度,且具有一定的抗抖动能力。The improved PRI transform estimates PRI with high precision, overcomes the sub-harmonic problem produced in the histogram methods, and has a better performance on anti-jitter.

视频信号源的大量测试表明,该分选平台对普通雷达、PRI抖动和参差雷达、频率捷变雷达及一些特殊雷达均具有较好的分选能力。Meanwhile, it can detect the stable PRI, the jittered PRI and the staggered PRI. Experimental results show that the sorting platforms based on the algorithm have good sorting capability.

由于雷达信号调制形式干扰方未知,降低了干扰信号和当前雷达发射脉冲信号之间的相关性。Because the modulated form of the LFM signal in different PRI is not known to the jammer, which destroies the correlation of the jamming signal and the SAR transmitted signal in the current PRI.