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三年前,海法街是由叛乱者统治的。Haifa Street was in the hands of insurgents three years ago.

当时,海法街上的尸体堆积得像捆捆干草。At the time, bodies were stacked up like bales of hay on Haifa Street.

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超过15枚炸弹击中了以色列的海城市,同时以战机也空击了黎提尔城市。More than 15 bombs hit the city of Haifa and in Lebanon warplanes pounded Tyre.

尽管这样,俱乐部降级使他去了海法马卡比。Despite this, the club were relegated and their star man was off to Maccabi Haifa.

一消防飞机飞过太阳超过上周五在海法,2010年12月3号火台。A firefighting plane flies as the sun sets over a fire in Haifa on Friday, Dec. 3, 2010.

另一方面,斑马军团将在周中前往以色列,客场挑战欧冠对手海法马卡比。Meanwhile, Juve must now travel to Israel for a Champions League tie with Maccabi Haifa.

在没有与父母和经理人商量的情况下,他告诉马卡比海法队他退出了。Without consulting his parents or his agent, he informed Maccabi Haifa that he was done.

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在对马卡比的比赛中雷纳并没有太多表现的机会,但是在最后他做出了一个精彩的扑救。Against Maccabi Haifa Pepe didn't have alot to do, but at the end he made a fantastic save.

真主党武装向几座以色列城镇以及港口城市海法发射了更多的火箭。Hezbollah militants has fired more rockets at several Israeli towns and the port city of Haifa.

库依特还没有资格代表利物浦参加下周在基辅与海法马卡比的欧冠资格赛。Kuyt is ineligible for Liverpool's Champions League qualifier against Maccabi Haifa in Kiev next week.

说到地中海沿岸的海港小镇,许多人往往不会想到以色列,但海法是最好的海港小镇之一。Many don't think of Israel when they think of Mediterranean beach towns, but Haifa is one of the best.

斑马军团将在今晚重新回到赛场,他们将在欧冠小组赛中对阵以色列球队海法马卡比。The Bianconeri are back in action this evening when they take on Israeli side Maccabi Haifa in the Champions League.

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尤文图斯前锋阿毛里认为明天欧冠和海法马卡比的较量将是赛季中很重要的一场比赛。Juventus striker Amauri believes tomorrow's Champions League tie with Maccabi Haifa is fundamental to his side's season.

以色列北部海法湾上一港口,在十字军东征时期被基督徒和伊斯兰教徒轮番控制。A port of northern Israel on the Bay of Haifa. During the Crusades it changed hands many times between Christians and Moslems.

如今,海法大学的研究人员发现政客长得好,会被视为更具新闻价值。Now, University of Haifa researchers have found that, if you’re a politician, good looks will also make you seem more newsworthy.

一架加拿大籍的消防飞机在海法城郊的卡梅尔森林上空作业。Canadair firefighter plane sprays its load of water over flames in the Carmel Forest on the outskirts of Haifa on December 3 2010.

阿Canadair飞机喷洒消防队员超过其在卡梅尔森林大火对水负荷海法市郊12月3日,2010。A Canadair firefighter plane sprays its load of water over flames in the Carmel Forest on the outskirts of Haifa on December 3, 2010.

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几乎同时,门窗被炸到海法街几百米开外的地方,靠近守备森严的绿色地带。Almost simultaneously the explosions sent windows and their frames several hundred metres along Haifa Street, near the fortified Green Zone.

考古学家利用船上发现的手工制品,确定该船来自迦南,现以色列的海法和黎巴嫩的边界。Using artefacts found on the ship archaeologists have discovered that the ship was from Canaan, near Haifa on the Israel and Lebanon border.

中国驻以色列大使馆迅速展开行动,将海法大学的159名中国学生成功疏散,并重新安置到安全的地方。The Chinese embassy in Israel *sprung into action, successfully *evacuating and resettling 159 Chinese students from the University of Haifa.