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他是搭便车的。He's a hitchhiker.

我一路搭便车来的.I hitchhiker all the way.

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司机停下来让一个搭车人上了车。The drivers topped to pick up a hitchhiker.

司机停下来让一个搭车人上了车。A hitchhiker flagged me down on the highway.

在高速公路入口,他让两个免费搭车旅行者搭了他的车。He picked up two hitchhiker at the entrance to the motorway.

一头赞比西河河马对搭便车的小鸟熟视无睹。All ears and eyes, a Zambezi River hippo ignores a hitchhiker.

我一遍遍抗议说我仅仅是个搭便车的旅行者。We were taken to the Chickasha jail, over my repeated protests that I was just a hitchhiker.

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在一个偏远的卡车集运站里,他们让一个惶恐不安的旅行者上了车。前进了一小段路程之后,这个旅行者强迫大家停车。At a remote truck stop they pick up an anxious hitchhiker who only after a short ride demands they stop the vehicle.

他还说,他兴见到仍然有“会让人搭便车的的‘铁杆’司机。”He added that he was pleased that there is still a "core of trusty drivers who say they would pick up a hitchhiker."

五位朋友听说祖父的坟墓被人破坏了,于是驱车探访,中途他们搭载了一位徒步旅行者。Five friends go to visit their Grandfather's grave after hearing it was vandalised, and pick up a hitchhiker on the way.

“让点地方,”我父亲又说——他每件事都说两遍——只有那样我们才会爬到一边,给搭车的印第安人腾出地方。“Make room,” my father said again – he said everything twice—and only then did we scramble to make space for the Indian hitchhiker.

这部关于一个不幸的搭车人的故事也可以下载到便携设备上,例如掌上电脑与电子图册等。The ghostly tale about an unfortunate hitchhiker can also be downloaded onto hand-held devices such as personal organisers or electronic books.

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由于没有地图支持,这些汽车经常是行驶在西伯利亚和中国的偏远地区。有一次一辆汽车还停下来让一个搭便车的人上车。The project used no maps, often traveling through remote regions of Siberia and China. At one point, a van stopped to give a hitchhiker a lift.

1975年,或者是76、77年,我父亲沿着公路开车时会注意到远处一、两英里外站在路边的搭车人。In 1975 or ‘76 or ’77, driving along one highway or another, my father would point out a hitchhiker standing beside the road a mile or two in the distance.