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但这也是一场生存斗争。But it is also an existential struggle.

森林里的事情远远比这更实在。Matters in the forest were far more existential.

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这是否意味着拖延是一个存在主义的问题?Does this mean procrastination is an existential issue?

伊万斯说,微软面临着一种关系其生死存亡的威胁。Microsoft is facing an existential threat, says Mr. Evans.

存在文学是一种人生文学、学文学。Existential literature is a literature of life and philosophy.

我只是从存在主义的观点给拖延提供了一种解释。I'm just providing an existential perspective on procrastination.

可以肯定的是,中国并不威胁到这些国家的存亡。To be sure, China is not an existential problem for these states.

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在中欧地区,存在心里治疗在发展很有生命力。So existential therapy seems very alive and well in central Europe.

然后就吼出了那个关于存在的问题“生命是一个喜剧吗?”He is then seen screaming the existential question “Is life a comedy?”

大便是我们活生生的存有身体的肠部活动。Merleau-Ponty Shit is a bowel movement of the lived and existential body.

这次的区别还在于马竞的存在感焦虑以外的东西。This time the difference was about more than Atlético's existential angst.

主谓谓语句用于表示存在自古而然,早已成为不争的事实。It is a early fact that S-P predicate sentences express existential meaning.

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哀伤是被爱者值得所爱的明证,是值得容留的。Grief is existential testimony to the worth of the one loved. That worth abides.

为了解决这些生存矛盾,人产生了种种精神需要。The aim to solve these existential dichotomies produces peoples spiritual needs.

应时而生的唯美主义则为他提供了一种最高品质的生活空间。At that time, Aestheticism provided him with a kind of noblest existential space.

蒂里希却从人的生存出发,以本体论的方式来思考乌托邦。Tillich starts his thinking of utopia from man's existential situation ontologically.

而且他们对存现句其他范围的研究也是建立在该假设之上。In this thesis, the attention will be attached to the nature of the existential verbs.

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相反,人们面对存在主义思想时有着相似的情感反应。Rather, people share similar emotional reactions when faced with existential thoughts.

莱因是英国著名的存在主义精神病学家,也是一位有独创见解的思想者。R. D. Laing is a famous British existential psychiatrist, and also an original thinker.

它让你忙忙碌碌地寻找进入另外一个人的潜意识的入口。It makes you hum at the existential possibilities of entering one another's subconscious.