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你确信这果是不能吃的?Are you sure this fruit is inedible?

请丢失内附的保鲜袋。Please discard the inedible freshness packet enclosed.

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例如无盐玉米片变得几乎无法入口。Salt-free cornflakes, for instance, would be well nigh inedible.

贫血的人在喝药时有那些不能吃的?。Is anaemic person drinking drug from time to tome those inedible ?

卫生部解释称,三聚氰胺已被列入非食用物质名单中。Melamine is now on a list of "inedible materials," the ministry said.

他们学会了在脊柱中取出不能食用的干茎。They learn to extract the pith from the spine-defended inedible stem.

伞菌一种不可食用或有毒的菌。An inedible or poisonous fungus with an umbrella-shaped fruiting body.

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他们不会为不能吃的东西浪费时间,从他们的角度来看。They don't waste their time on some inedible thing from their point of view.

但许多把昆虫当零食吃的非洲人和亚洲人却认为贝类不能吃。But many Africans and Asians who snack on insects consider shellfish inedible.

另外,蟹腿处白色的蟹白部分,是不可能食用的。You will also see some white near the thigh on either side of things, it was inedible.

变性将在工厂的不适于食用的产品区完成。The denaturing shall be carried out in the inedible products area of the establishment.

纳塔利•海赫斯特患有异食癖,这种罕见的症状会使她渴望“品尝”不可食用的物品。Natalie Hayhurst has Pica, a rare condition which gives her cravings for inedible objects.

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如果你论磅买的话就会以水果的价钱把种子和果皮一起买了。If you’re paying by the pound, you’ll be paying for the weight of inedible seeds and rinds.

应当使用单独的储罐、泵和管道来处理不适于食用的油脂。Separate storage tanks, pumps and pipelines shall be used for the handling of inedible fats.

而其余的营养则会流失在动物的新陈代谢以及不宜食用的神经和骨组织中。The rest is spent on the animal's metabolism and on building inedible nerve and bone tissue.

这样加工保存了鱼肉的鲜度,但得花费好几个月的时间,而且使得包在外层的米饭无法食用。This process preserved the fish, but required many months and made the rice wrappings inedible.

这是家喻户晓的,动物意识有显著的能力是什么或难以下咽的食物有害。It is wellknown that animals have a remarkable ability to sense what is harmful or inedible food.

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另外一个不能吃的创造在我们结束了2周结婚蛋糕章我的糕点课程。Another inedible creation before we conclude the 2 weeks wedding cake chapter of my pastry course.

必须提供将非食用肉类炼油或使其变性成为可适用产品的适当设施。Adequate facilities to render or denature the inedible meat product as applicable must be provided.

可食用部分不包括已受损的部位以及因割取方法不当而无法再食用的部分。Edible portions do not include meat that has been damaged and made inedible by the method of taking.