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合并风险分析。Incorporate risk analysis.

加入赛隆舰队选项。Incorporate the Cylon Fleet option.

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你的建议将纳入计划。The plan will incorporate your suggestion.

将冲突融入喜剧情节。Incorporate conflict into your comedy plot.

合并过程、技术和原理。Incorporate process, technology, and philosophy.

许多大公司与小公司合并了。Many large companies incorporate with small ones.

立即在你的演奏中运用这些连复段。Incorporate the riffs into your playing immediately.

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民间舞蹈可能吸收爵士风格或踢踏舞的动作。Folk dances might incorporate moves from jazz or tap.

如果你有孩子的话,你要把他们融入这支队伍中去。If you have kids, you incorporate them into the team.

纳入全屋通风和吊扇。Incorporate whole-house ventilation and ceiling fans.

平时要吃亚麻籽和亚麻子油。Incorporate flaxseeds and flaxseed oil into your diet.

加入放宽高度限制的条文。To incorporate a relaxation clause on BH restrictions.

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在感谢邮件里加入你的Facebook页面Incorporate your Facebook Page into your Thank You emails.

你可以每周吃两次含油的鱼肉。Try and incorporate oily fish into your diet twice weekly.

OCCI应该从其他标准采用的特性Features which OCCI should incorporate from other Standards

如果你试著融入在场上的所有人。If you try to incorporate everyone in the field in someway.

所有新型鱼叉导弹将采用重新设计的GCU部件。All new Harpoon missiles will incorporate the redesigned GCU.

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它们是否将森林知识纳入教学活动?Do they incorporate the study of forests into their teaching?

我们纳入散弹枪在我们的家防卫计划。We incorporate a loaded shotgun in our home defense planning.

那么要将反模式与您每天的例行工作相结合,您又可以做些什么呢?What can you do to incorporate them into your everyday routine?