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这是为了创造一种“完美”的亚特兰蒂斯文明。This was to create a "perfect" Arian civilization.

我的名字叫阿里安,毕业于计算机工程专业。My name is Arian. My major was computer engineering.

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届时,伯格将会与伊朗乐队Arian进行合作表演。The Irish-born singer will perform with Iranian band Arian.

这也就可以解释为什么有些白羊看起来不像白羊。This explains why some Arians do not appear Arian. And, of course.

白羊们会是天秤很好的人生伴侣,水瓶和处女能帮助获得精神升华。An Arian makes a good life partner for a Libran. Gemini and Virgo help in spiritual enhancement.

继承东帝国的君士坦提乌斯是一个阿里乌主义者,他流放了亚大纳西派的大主教。Constantius, who inherited the East, was an arian and banished the bishops of the Athanasian party.

对那些最不敬虔的亚流派幻想者,让他们别因为道德身体是被造的就认为道也是被造的。As for the most impious Arian fanatics, let them not think that the Word is a creature because his body is created.

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观察不同藏药组方对感染传染性支气管炎病毒的艾维因肉鸡的治疗效果。The decoction of Tibetan herbal medicine prescription for 5d through drinking water to the group fed Arian broiler Chicken.

我们不再孤独,研究表明在阿莲星球的4个不同地点存在外星生命。We are not alone anymore. Telescopic studies of the planet Arian have confirmed alien life form at 4 locations on the planet.

早在2005年,莫纳什大学的阿瑞恩戴尔就表示蜜蜂能通过把人和手中拿着的有甜味的零食联系起来以进行识别。Back in 2005, Arian Dyer at Monash University showed that bees could identify people who they associated who with sugary snacks.

故此,我们确认他的神性就是父的神性,我们敬拜他成为肉身的显现,即使亚流派幻想者反对。Thus we acknowledge his divinity, which is that of the Father, and we worship his incarnated presence, even if the Arian fanatics burst.

早在2005年,蒙纳士大学的埃里安·戴尔证明,蜜蜂能够辨认出和它们的甜点有关的人。But they can. Back in 2005, Arian Dyer at Monash University showed that bees could identify people who they associated who with sugary snacks.

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我很骄傲的说,我和拉法是同一天生日。也许是迷信,但我和他一样对工作有着无穷无尽的热情。I am very proud to say that I share my Birthday with Rafa and maybe its an Arian thing, but I share in his passion to do things properly and leave no stone unturned in getting the job done.