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这是细砂。It is fine sand.

霜于沙凝结。Frost binds sand.

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白涯涯的黄沙。Ya Ya white sand.

响沙湾?Sounding Sand Bay?

茫茫沙漠中瀚海之一粟。A grain of desert sand.

干沙吸收水分。Dry sand absorbs water.

沙子很容易抖掉。Sand shakes off easily.

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她踢起沙子。She kicked the sand up.

箱子里满都是沙土。The box was full of sand.

潮水在沙上留下了波洑沙纹。The tide rippled the sand.

花折了,沙迷离了眼睛。Flowers, sand blurred eyes.

巨浪使沙滩覆盖了泡沫。Giant waves froth the sand.

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我喜欢去沙滩玩。I like to play in the sand.

沙子又细又白。The sand is fine and white.

流沙磨损岩石。Drifting sand abrades rocks.

地面除砂问题。Ground sand removal problem.

我可以是你的沙之海。I could be your sea of sand.

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沙子么,就如一些琐碎的小事。The sand is the small stuff.

正在沙岸上有一个痹忧。There's a shell on the sand.

我踩上了沙子又踏上了顽石i stepped on sand then stone