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我们通常天生远视。We are normally born farsighted.

我们需要放开胸襟,放长眼光。We need to be open-minded and farsighted.

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前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。The ex-president is a known farsighted politician.

前总统。前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。The ex-president is a known farsighted politician.

有远见才有未来,有生命方有价值。Farsighted only the future, there is valuable side of life.

据认这是宏观的、高瞻远瞩的战略眼光。It's thought to be the macroscopic and farsighted strategic sight.

至少,那些和我一样有远见的人会这样说。At least , people who were not as farsighted as I will call it that.

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我渴望心中的自由世界是清澈而又高远。I wish eagerly the freedom world in the heart is limpid and farsighted.

鱼通常是近视眼,虽然人们认为鲨鱼是有远视的。Fish are usually nearsighted, although it is believed that sharks are farsighted.

在当时的学术背景下,这一选题无疑是明智而有远见的。Under the academic background at that time, this subject was wise and farsighted.

目的探讨儿童远视性弱视的临床治疗及疗效。Objective To discuss the treatment and the result of children's farsighted amblyopia.

选择“全球化与卫生”为这次小组讨论的主题,确实很有远见。The choice of "Globalization and health" for this panel discussion is indeed farsighted.

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太虚的思想和实践是符合时代要求的,影响也是长远的。The thought and fulfillment of TaiXu match ages to request, influence is also farsighted.

公司秉承着“追求卓越、永不停步”的企业精神,高屋建瓴。Company uphold the "pursuit of excellence, and never stop" spirit of enterprise, farsighted.

为使拉丁美洲不致陷入外国特许权所有人和银行家的圈套,他提出了一个先见之明的计划。America from the snares of foreign concessionaires and bankers, he proposed a farsighted plan.

事实上,市场中很少有人有足够的远见能够预测到房价的跌幅。Indeed, few in the marketplace were farsighted enough to foresee just how far housing prices would fall.

中国很清楚地意识到它对于进口石油的依赖,并且在采取卓有远见的行动。China is also well aware of its dependence on imported oil and is acting in surprisingly farsighted ways.

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你睿智的话语,轻柔的笑声,端庄的身姿,使我心弦微颤。Your wise and farsighted words, the light and soft laughter, the dignified body , makes tiny of my heartstring.

我们很喜欢接受您明智的赞助,并依靠您的赞助,获得更加长远的发展。We like to accept you the wise sponsor very much, and depend on your sponsor, acquiring more farsighted development.

他反映非常敏捷,因为远视得厉害,除了哈姆雷的马鞍目录外他什么都不喜欢读。His reflexes were uncommonly quick and he was farsighted enough to dislike reading anything except Hamley's saddle catalog.