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恩慈是体恤的爱。Goodness is love's character.

宁静,美好,欢乐。Peace and goodness and jollity.

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神的良善和信实?God's goodness and faithfulness?

天啊,都有什么东西在里面。Oh my goodness. What's in there?

好啦,放天谢地,他可回来了。Well, thank goodness he's coming.

祂会带给我们良善与光明。He will bring us goodness and light.

我真希望罗拍能来一趟!I wish to goodness Roper would come!

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不过这项赛事也很合geeky的胃口。But it’s also full of geeky goodness.

凭好的行为和天良也不能进天堂。Goodness cannot make you enter Heaven.

诉说着她在温馨中度过的芳年。But tell of the days in goodness spent.

天哪,他们可能连孩子都有了!They may have a child for goodness sake.

认出每个人的神性与良善。Recognize God and goodness in every face.

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是为锐刃阿谢,这良善之武器――As the razor Ashe, this weapon of goodness

那是一种神秘又美丽的牵系。It is a mysterious and beautiful goodness.

谢天谢地我们可没有梦中的骨头可以折断!Thank goodness you can't break dream bones!

好德是英怯的,善良历去无所恐惊。Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.

善良常比美丽更有魔力。Goodness often charms more than mere beauty.

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“天哪!”羊怪惊叫了一声。"Goodness gracious me! " exclaimed the Faun.

那是我曾经的欢乐、恬静和美好。There had been jollityand peace and goodness.

伟大与至善并非同路人。Greatness and goodness go not always together.