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我们必须辛苦地绕远路。We'd have to take some laborious detour.

她的母亲辛辛苦苦的缝制棉织品。Her mother laborious sews the cotton fabric.

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而且,我的任务相当艰辛。My task, moreover, is an immensly laborious one.

化学降解法复杂且费时间。Chemical degradations are laborious and time-consuming.

镶板绘画是个费心费力的过程。Panel painting involved a painstaking , laborious process.

来挂记一个人真的那么辛苦吗?。Originally is concerned about a person really that laborious?

但是传统的葡萄杂交非常费时费力且价格昂贵。But conventional cross-breeding is costly and laborious for grapes.

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解析内容表就属于比较单调、费劲的任务。One such boring and laborious task is preparing a table of contents.

结果证明,即使费力的轰赶和逃跑也是不够的。It turned out that even laborious hooting and scooting weren't enough.

这些志愿者每天早出晚归,很是辛苦。These volunteers set out early and return late every day, is very laborious.

“良辰安宅,吉日迁居”,幸福的生活靠勤劳的双手创造!" Most Ataka, auspicious, happy life to" rely on laborious both hands creation!

天文台选址是一项长期而艰苦的科学研究工作。The astronomical site selection is a long-term and laborious scientific research.

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但是这么大的增加很难摊派,政治策略上考虑也很难通过。But such increases are laborious to arrange and politically difficult to push through.

这种非直接的数据库更新是繁重的,并引发了数据同步化问题。This non-direct database upload is laborious and evokes problems of data synchronicity.

过去,监视一个可疑死信投递点全靠人力艰苦作业。Time was when monitoring a suspected dead-letter box involved laborious work by humans.

单位成本法虽然在理论上非常直接,但是难以应用。The unit cost method is straightforward in principle but quite laborious in application.

当时汤博年仅22岁,肩负着比较照相底片的艰巨任务。Only 22 at the time, Tombaugh was given the laborious task of comparing photographic plates.

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难不成你以为帝家以后会让你儿子继承吗?Is laborious don't become you to meditation emperor house after ambition make your son inherit?

当然,网络搜索引擎避免了在图书索引卡中筛选的繁重任务。Of course web search engines take away the laborious task of sifting through paper index cards.

因此,任何对应用程序的更改都需要跨整个用户群进行繁琐的升级。As such, any changes to the application require a laborious upgrade across the entire user base.