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九个敏捷的贵族啃桃仁。Nine nimble nobleman nibbled nuts.

“我要报答您,”贵族说。“I want to repay you,” said the nobleman.

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之后贵族回到家中去陪他的妻子。The nobleman then returns home to his wife.

盎格鲁-撒克逊贵族或王子,尤指王室中的继承者。An Anglo-Saxon nobleman or prince, especially the heir to a throne.

“我要报答你,”贵族说,“你是我儿子的救命恩人。”"I want to repay you, " said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life."

为什么我要屈服去爱并娶了一个贵人的私生女儿?Why did I yield to love and marry the natural daughter of a great nobleman ?

相信大家都还记得,1491年,Katherine初见Klaus时的身份就是英格兰的贵族。If you remember, Katherine met Klaus when he was living as a nobleman in England in 1491.

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赫勒拿是爱贝塔姆,但无可奈何,因为他是一个贵族,她一百姓。Helena is in love with Bertram, but hopelessly, since he is a nobleman and she a commoner.

因此这位父亲就能亲眼看到他的女儿们结婚,从此过上幸福快乐的生活。The nobleman was able to see his three daughters marry and he lived a long and happy life.

一个贵族可能拿着波兰盾,穿着波斯长袍,用着土耳其的马饰物。One nobleman might sport a Polish shield, and Persian robe and use Turkish horse trappings.

李斯特是小说中虚构的一位法国贵族,他在18世纪成为了吸血鬼。Lestat de Lioncourt is a fictitious French nobleman who becomes a vampire in the 18th century.

对这具贵族木乃伊进行CT扫描检查是研究古老疾病的一个环节.The mummy of an Egyptian nobleman undergoes CT scanning as part of a study of ancient disease.

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还有一种说法是住在上海的一个贵族在1870到1875年间创造出麻将游戏。Still another theory is that a nobleman living in Shanghai created the game between 1870 and 1875.

这真是耸人听闻,他声称,现在发现的这幅画显示了一个贵族、南安普敦伯爵,与科布家族有一定的联系。Sensationally, he claimed the painting showed the Earl of Southampton, a nobleman linked to the Cobbes.

有一个贵胄往远方去,要得国回来。He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.

不长,有大财主的钱财被盗,听说在某某村庄有个万事通大夫,他想他知道被盗的钱财在哪里。So the nobleman had his carriage hitched up, rode out to the village, and asked him if he were Doctor Know-All.

具有最高世袭身份的贵族,尤指英国具有最高等级贵族身份的人。A nobleman with the highest hereditary rank, especially a man of the highest grade of the peerage in Great Britain.

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英国一种贵族,根据欧洲传统的规定,其头衔高于子爵低于侯爵。British nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquis, corresponding to a count in continental Europe.

伯爵英国一种贵族,根据欧洲传统的规定,其头衔高于子爵低于侯爵。A British nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquis, corresponding to a count in continental Europe.

尽管她的美丽和价值,赫勒拿没有希望吸引贝塔姆,因为她是低出生,他是一个贵族。Despite her beauty and worth, Helena has no hope of attracting Bertram, since she is of low birth and he is a nobleman.