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我在看着我的葬礼。I'm watching the funeral.

我不会去送他的殡。I won't go to his funeral.

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出殡的行列行向坟墓。Funeral marches to the grave.

我问葬礼的承办人。I asked the funeral director.

尼尔主持了他的葬礼。Neale presided at the funeral.

那是只猪脚,我参加葬礼去了。Pig's feet. I was at a funeral.

她获准丧假为父亲送葬。To attend her father's funeral.

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我们昨天才举行的葬礼。We had the funeral only yesterday.

葬礼是一个令人忧伤的场合。A funeral is a melancholy occasion.

莫罗斯修女参加了他的葬礼。Sister Mroslas went to his funeral.

她在亡夫丧礼中十分感伤。She sobbed at her husband's funeral.

你们想干嘛,参加我葬礼?What were your expecting, a funeral?

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海德尔的葬礼定于星期二举行。His funeral is scheduled for Tuesday.

杨欣的葬礼将在中国举行。Yang's funeral will be held in China.

这个寡妇跳进火葬柴堆。The widow leapt into the funeral pyre.

在她的葬礼上他唱起了一道优伤的歌。He sang a mournful song at her funeral.

侵略者把我们家园变成了丧棚。It turned our homes into funeral tents.

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这是宣布葬礼开始的丧钟。It was tolling for the funeral service.

生命是一场华丽的礼葬。Life is a sumptuous funeral and burial.

葬礼上没有牧师。There were no clergymen at the funeral.