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波森,我想你大概知道意思了。I think you get the idea, Boson.

其中之一便是希格斯波色子的任意的附属特性。One is the arbitrary, bolt-on nature of the Higgs boson.

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只有一件事我们相当确定——一定没有希格斯玻色子。One thing we know for sure -- it is not the Higgs boson.

希格斯玻色子对其他粒子施加了拖曳力。The Higgs boson creates a field that exerts a drag on certain types of particles.

而对撞机的工作就是要证实希格斯玻色子粒子的存在。Proving the existence of the Higgs boson is one of the main goals of the collider.

这是因为粒子对撞或许会让我们获得对希格斯玻色子的惊鸿一瞥。That's because the collisions might give us a fleeting glimpse of the Higgs boson.

希格斯玻色子给予了所有基本粒子质量,允许了物质的存在。The Higgs boson gives all elementary particles mass, allowing for the existence of matter.

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和希格斯单线态粒子相关的另一种粒子——希格斯玻色子,同样尚未被发现。The Higgs singlet is related to another particle which is also yet to be found, the Higgs boson.

对于把克莱因-戈尔登方程当作是玻色子的波动方程的看法提出了异议。We deny the opinion that the Klein-Gordon equation can be treated as the wave equation of boson.

同时,我们受到了你们的热情欢迎和款。在这里,我们深表感谢。Being here , we recived a warm welcome . from the boson of me heart , i have to say thank you to you.

但是,我们并不知道希格斯玻色子自身的质量,这使得识别它的难度大大增加。However, we do not know the mass of the Higgs boson itself, which makes it more difficult to identify.

计算母分系数使用了包含辛弱数的递推公式。This program for CFP uses a new recursive formula which includes explicitly the boson seniority number.

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本部万能遥控色子,别人打出的色子离十米都能控制出自己所要的点数。Four. The universal remote boson boson, another player from ten meters can control their desired points.

类似的,这种假设的粒子在衰变成两束喷注这件事上就像是一个轻一些的W玻色子。Similarly, the hypothetical particle resembles the lighter W boson in its ability to decay into two jets.

希格斯玻色子是一种在物理学“标准模型”中赋予其他粒子质量的粒子。The Higgs Boson is the particle that in the physics "Standard Model" allows other particles to have mass.

这将让伊利诺斯州的垓电子伏特加速器继续搜寻难以捉摸的希格斯玻色子粒子。This will allow the Tevatron accelerator in Illinois to continue its hunt for the elusive Higgs boson particle.

然而,显然它不会以W玻色子的其它衰变方式进行衰变,否则它早就被发现了。However, it apparently does not decay in the other ways that a W boson decays, or it would have been seen long ago.

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粒子物理里的终极追求——希格斯玻色子——被认为是赋予其它粒子以质量的粒子。The most sought after particle in particle physics – the Higgs boson – is believed to endow all other particles with mass.

如果希格斯玻色子最终露面,那么物理学家将如释重负,因为它是粒子物理学中的关键支柱。If the Higgs boson does show up, physicists will breathe a sigh of relief, because it is a central pillar of particle physics.

只是色子在跟踪玲珑的时候突然受到了干扰,干扰的人是他们一直在找的假阿禄。Only when the boson in tracking Delicate sudden interference, interfering with the people they have been looking for fake Alu.