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我想为你编成管弦乐曲。I'd love to orchestrate it for you.

虚拟化系统应为您安排这种情况。The virtualization system should orchestrate this for you.

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莫非埃斯帕达与罗森博格有瓜葛,试图精心安排一场新的政变?Was Espada involved with Rosenberg, trying to orchestrate a new kind of coup?

标识、合并、编排并治理一组业务功能或能力。Identify, consolidate, orchestrate and govern a set of business functions or capabilities.

规则流用于通过将规则分组为一系列任务来编排规则执行。Ruleflows are used to orchestrate rule execution by grouping rules into a series of tasks.

它帮助整合企业的资产,以构成高度优化和高效的流程。It helps orchestrate the assets of a business to form highly optimized and effective processes.

亨德里克几乎参与了全程辅助,并帮助协调了每一步的治疗安排。Hedrick assisted on nearly all of the procedures and helped orchestrate how each would progress.

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访问外部服务,并将其与自有服务编排在一起,从而支持端到端业务流程。Access external services and orchestrate them with owned services to support an end-to-end business process.

那么,中央银行调谐通胀交响曲的能力和政府参加二战之间有联系吗?Does the central bank's ability to orchestrate inflation have any connection with a government's involvement in war?

调查者指出扁桃腺会和大脑中的其他区域合作使人产生恐惧感。The authors point out that the amygdala communicates with other regions of the brain to orchestrate the fear response.

10年前作为财政部副部长,他协助组织对亚洲金融崩溃作出了积极的反应。A decade ago, as a Treasury under-secretary, he helped orchestrate the successful response to the Asian financial meltdown.

市场的剧烈震荡是不可控的,但是精明的团队总是能够精心谋划,顺利实现上市。Wild swings in the market can't be controlled, but a savvy team can orchestrate a launch that should lead to smooth sailing.

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即便如此,观察基因遗漏所导致的错误,毕竟比学习如何控制培养皿里的细胞分化来得容易。But observing what goes wrong when a gene is missing is easier than learning to orchestrate differentiation in a culture dish.

我们将整编出建议为方圆10英里内的所有土地上其它物种而工作。We will orchestrate suggestions that shall work for all other species upon the land and within the surrounding 10-mile radius.

集成专家需要在集成解决方案的开发中配置和编排组件的能力。Integration Specialists require capabilities to configure and orchestrate components in the development of integration solutions.

choreography也可以用于创建orchestrate服务、模式或其他电子商务对话的复杂对话。The choreography can also be used to create elaborate dialogues that orchestrate services, partners or other e-business dialogues.

身为中国人民银行行长,周小川在巨大的国际压力下,要谱出人民币稳定地升值。As governor of the People's Bank of China, Zhou is under great international pressure to orchestrate a steady appreciation of the yuan.

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因而,在现有应用提供的服务和业务流程期望定义的编配之间需要建立桥梁。Thus, a bridge is needed between what services are offered by existing applications and what the business process wants to orchestrate.

研究者们正在寻求一种能够更温和地抑制血小板的治疗方式,血小板是血液中盘状的物质,能形成血栓。Researchers are seeking treatments that more gently orchestrate activity of platelets, disk-shaped particles in the blood that form clots.

第二个要点是,尽管印尼对美国举足轻重,但美国在印尼的政策却没能运筹帷幄。The second key point is that, despite Indonesia's importance to Washington, there's not much the U. S. can do to orchestrate policy there.