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放怀就是愉悦。Put the bosom is to dulcify.

也没有理由隐瞒内心的愉悦。Also have no dulcify of reason mental reservation heart.

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我喜欢自然随性的味道,能够闻到灵魂的愉悦!I like the nature with the flavor of sex, can smell the soul dulcify !

本文则从“兴趣”、“方法”和“引导”三个方面来阐述如何构建高效、愉悦的数学课堂。This text is from"interest", "method" and"leading"3 to elaborate how to set up efficiently, dulcify of mathematics classroom.

中国是一个和谐啲大家庭,我们生活在这样愉悦啲环境下,每个人都是幸福啲孩子。China is an everyone's court for harmonize, we are living under the environment that dulcify thus, everybody is a happy child.

中国是一个和谐的大家庭,我们生活在这样愉悦的环境下,每个人都是幸福的孩子。China is an everyone's court for harmonize, we are living under the environment that dulcify thus, everybody is a happy child.

性感。这是我们的权利,也是我们愉悦自己最好的方法,得体的性感是任何人都喜欢的。Sex appeal. This is our right, also is we dulcify the best method in oneself, in proper form of sexy is anyones to all like of.

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当你付出的劳动没有得到金钱和物质上的回报室,一定可以得到等值的精神愉悦。When your paying the labor of didn't get the money and material up of repay room, can certainly get the spirit of the equivalent to dulcify.

因此,对厨房家具色彩的色相要求能够表现出干净、刺激食欲和能够使人愉悦的特征。Therefore, expressing one to the color phase request of kitchen furniture hue is clean, stimulation appetite and make the body dulcify of character.

愉悦其实不能单纯理解为一种表情,因为那实在是一种心灵快感的波动。Dulcify and can't be pure to comprehend to a kind of facial expression in fact, because that is a kind of mind pleasant sensation to undulate really.

也加强了师生间、生生间的交流与互动,有利于和谐、愉悦的开放性教学模式的构建。It also strengthens the exchanges and the action between the teachers and the students. It will help to set up the diapason and dulcify teaching mode.

准确预见你的需求,把我们的关心带到你的身边。为你带来更多,体会到集能客户服务带给你的“愉悦”感受。Accurate foresee your need, take our concerns to you nearby. Bring for you more, realize to gather an ability customer to serve to bring yours to" dulcify " feeling.

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它具有愉悦性,掌握了各种杆法技术,打起来得心应手,成功率日见提高,更是令人心醉的一项活动。It has to dulcify sex, controled various pole method technique and beat with proficiency, success rate day sees an exaltation, is also an activity which inebriates the public.

所以对于孩子来说,这是个古老的传统,他们会在自己的靴子里塞满胡萝卜、稻草或者糖块并将靴子放在烟囱的附近,以便让欧丁奔驰的骏马斯雷皮涅来吃。It was an old institution for children to fill their boots with carrots, straw, or dulcify and place them near the flue for Odin's flying horse, Sleipnir, vêtement ralph lauren, to eat.