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旱稻生长在旱地上。Upland rice grows in dry soil.

发展旱稻种植有广阔的前景。Planting upland rice has broad prospects.

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该结论适宜于北方旱地农田推广应用。The results were suitable for northern upland fields.

村民正给高地里的玉米中耕。The villagers are laying by the corn in the upland fileld.

他们就这样往前走,一直走到高原的山根下。Thus they walked till they reached the foot of the upland.

广泛分布于水塘集水区和上游溪流。Widely distributed in reservoir catchments and upland streams.

鸟类生活的区域高山---空气经常是稀薄的。The weather in upland areas where the birds live is often poor.

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亚洲中部丘陵地区有白色长毛的大型猫科动物。large feline of upland central Asia having long thick whitish fur.

山坡养着山羊,它们吃草时身上的铃声丁当响。Goats were kept on the upland slopes, their bells tinkling as they grazed.

山羊被放养在高地的斜坡上,吃草时它们的铃铛叮当作响。Goats were kept on the upland slopes, their bells tinkling as they grazed.

高地的,内地的属于,关于,或位于一个高地的。One who lives in a highland . 3. Of, relating to, or located in an upland.

英国可卡犬是能够在浓密的灌木丛中和丘陵地带狩猎的猎犬。The English Cocker is capable of hunting in dense cover and upland terrain.

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锡兰的高地茶通常制为碎形茶,呈赤褐色。The upland tea of Ceylon is made normally for broken form tea, show auburn.

它坐落在和北维塞司的丘陵相连那片起伏高原中间一个山坳里。It rested in the lap of an undulating upland adjoining the north wessex downs.

这架飞机是从距阿普兰西北50英里以外的范纳斯机场起飞的。The plane departed from Van Nuys Airport about 50 miles northwest from Upland.

伍德说,“卡拉拉的旱地虎和阿育吠陀医学是独一无二的。Kerala's upland tiger reserves and history in Ayurvedic medicine are unmatched.

当然,大约200年前,印第安纳波利斯是遍地山毛榉和枫树的高山林地。Of course, roughly 200 years ago, Indianapolis was an upland forest of beech and maple.

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但在许多农村和丘陵地区,传统服装仍然仍然很常见,尤其是在妇女当中。Traditional costumes are still worn in many rural and upland areas, especially among women.

为研究封育对不同退化山地草甸物种多样性的影响,以C。In order to study the effects of enclosure on species diversity of degraded upland meadow, C.

绝地大师德帕?比拉巴在战争中率领“高地解放阵线”对抗巴拉韦人。Jedi Master Depa Billaba came to lead the Upland Liberation Front in war against the Balawai.