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酒商在大橡木桶中酿酒。The vintner workedthewine in big oak vats.

这款优福特红酒呈现着鲜亮的深宝石红色。This YE VINTNER wine shows a nice deep ruby red colour.

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随后他去见了创造招牌甜酒的酒商本·费德。Then he met vintner Ben Feder, who made specialty cordials.

你不必非要拥有葡萄园才能成为葡萄酒商或酿酒师。You don't have to buy a vineyard to be a vintner or winemaker.

就算本没那打算,也会毫不费力的变成一个葡萄酒商人的。One can't just decide to be a vintner , and then conveniently become one.

优福特是一款好酒,它很平衡,余味既干净又长。This YE VINTNER is a good wine, it's well-balanced, the finish is clean and long.

全球领域中,莫尼托在普罗塞克葡萄酒上是顶级权威酒商之一。The master vintner of the Mionetto is one of the foremost authorities on Prosecco wines in the world.

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种植葡萄本身就是一个艺术,成为葡萄酒商是所有旅馆经营者最终的生活方式和私底下的愿望。Growing wine represents an art in itself, being a vintner is the ultimate life style and the secret wish of each hotelier.

在他为布莱恩酒庄服务了32年后,庄中最老的葡萄种植好手在四月底刚刚办理了退休手续。The property's oldest vintner just asserted his right to retire, at the end of April, after working at Brane-Cantenac for over 32 years.

找开始制作不同类型的葡萄酒酒商从专家学习技巧和在这个自由的教学影片更多关于酒。Get tips from an expert for beginning vintner on making different types of wine and learn more about wine in this free instructional video.