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案发地点就在她家的地下室里。In her basement.

他把我藏在地下室里。He stationed me in the basement.

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她听见地下室传来的哭泣声。She heard sobbing from the basement.

车库展卖,庭院展卖,地下室展卖。Garage sale, yard sale, basement sale.

他被关进一个狭窄的地下室里。He was chambered in a narrow basement.

地下室采用桩筏基础和地下连续墙。The basement is supported by pile-raft.

水泵把地下室里的水抽出来了。The pump sucked water from the basement.

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我家地下室的家具盖满了灰尘。Dust coated the furniture in my basement.

在地下室,没有存东西的地方了。In the basement there's no room to stash.

以聚乙烯胶合布为基材。Polyethylene cloth glued to the basement.

包心菜储藏在地下室里。The cabbages were stored in the basement.

千万记住别走进地下室。Sure remember not to go into the basement.

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整个冬天,自行车就放在地下室里。The bike stood in the basement all winter.

过去,地下室是我的一处圣所。Before, the basement had been my sanctuary.

我家的地下室淹水了。我又得喂饱我几个孩子。My basement flooded. I had to feed my kids.

地下室已改成工作间了。The basement has been made into a workshop.

我们必须把水从地下室抽出去。We need to pump the water out of the basement.

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在地下室安装氡蓄贮系统installing a radon sump system in the basement

轻型制造业被布置在地下层。Basement is designated for light manufacturing.

地下室已改成游乐室。The basement has been made over into a playroom.