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我不想让我们有隔阂。I don't want to sunder us.

它可以击破众神的宝座。It may sunder the thrones of gods.

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闪电把树劈成两半。Lightning tore the tree in sunder.

你能从空气中把氮气分离出来吗?Will you sunder nitrogen from air?

扑灭冲击到底在哪些方面比破甲好?。In what ways is Devastate better than Sunder Armor?

如果我们用2.0的武器,施放英勇打击和破甲。Suppose we have a 2.0 speed weapon, HS spam and sunder spam.

扑灭冲击比破甲产生更多的威胁值吗?。Does Devastate generate more threat per hellot than Sunder Armor?

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因为他打破了铜门,砍断了铁闩。For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.

破甲技能生成的减益状态与它产生的仇恨没有任何关系。The sunder armor debuff seems completely independent of the hate it generates.

现在我必从你颈项上折断他的轭,扭开他的绳索。For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.

你管那细棍儿叫武器?我说话声音大点就能把它给击破了!You call that skinny thing a weapon? I could Sunder that by speaking too loudly!

那末相比较破甲而言,扑灭冲击是否比其拥有更高的每一点肝火产生威胁值?。Does Devastate always generate more threat per rage point spent than Sunder Armor?

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如果当前的破甲效果层数是0至4之间,毁灭打击会在目标上作用一个破甲效果。If the number of Sunders is between 0 and 4, Devastate will apply a Sunder to the mob.

他从黑暗中,和死荫里,领他们出来,折断他们的绑索。He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.

一旦战斗开始,他们会率先冲锋,并优先击破敌方战士的武器。Once battle begins, they lead the charge, seeking to sunder the weapons of any enemy warriors.

战斗放压制,防御放破甲,狂暴放旋风。Will cast Overpower in Battle stance, Sunder Armor in Defensive, and Whirlwind in Berserker stance.

我们还得尽量避免两国的政治家、商业领袖及从业人员的利益关注可能对会谈产生的影响。We conduct our talk sunder the wary eyes of politicians, business leaders and workers in both of our countries.

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印度裔桑德罗曼和帕迪帕夫妇俩爱与坚贞的情节,连宝莱坞电影的情节都无法媲美。Not even the script of a Bollywood movie could match the love and devotion shared by Indian couple Sunder and Pradeepa.

这股力量能粉碎一切的障碍、击破一切的防护、穿过任何魔法,并赐给它的仆人足够的能力,让他们执行判决。It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence.

但是技能说明里面没有提到不论什么关于额外威胁值的说明?比如说盾牌猛击和破甲都有说明。But the tooltip doesn't make any mention of added threat like the tooltips for other abilities like Shelloeld Slam and Sunder Armor.