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他在给化妆台掸去灰尘吗?。Is he dusting the dressing table?

她正在掸去家具上的灰尘。She was dusting off the furniture.

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她正在掸去家具上的灰尘。She was dusting down the furniture.

泰斯拉现在站了起来,正拍去他长袍上的灰尘。Tesla was up now and dusting off his robes.

甚至在英国南部的布赖顿也出现了降雪。Even Brighton on the south coast got a dusting.

父亲是把摔倒的你从地上扶起来,为你拍掉尘土的人。Dads are great for picking you up and dusting you off.

在早上,我很高兴地看到只有一雪尘。In the morning I was happy to see only a dusting of snow.

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第二,适当扑打一些轻柔碎粉,以保护你的脸部。Second, seal your look with a fine dusting of loose face powder.

英国议会大厦的房顶也覆盖了一层积雪。The Houses of Parliament were covered with a light dusting of snow.

北京周六天空灰蒙蒙的,到处是薄薄的扬沙尘土。The sky glowed Saturday and a thin dusting of sand covered Beijing.

现在有研究表明,来自异地的物种对大城市除尘有很大作用。Now research shows that immigrants do much of the dusting in big cities.

人们常常在其上晾衣服,而且它常被搁置铺满灰尘。People hang their clothes on it to dry, and it's often in need of dusting.

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皮带输煤系统的转载点是选煤厂最主要的产尘环节。The transfer point in coal transportation system is key source of dusting.

不过,轻松的掸掸灰尘,或者缓步走到巴士站,严格说起来不能算是运动。However, light dusting or meandering to the bus stop strictly did not count.

介绍了涡轮静电背负喷粉机结构。The structure of the bear turbine dynamo electrostatic dusting engine was described.

如果你喜欢的话,可以在土豆上放几个荷包蛋,再撒上一层辣椒。Serve the eggs on top of the potatoes with a further dusting of paprika, if you like.

像格温妮丝帕特洛一样在脸颊上用杏色。Complement a sexy tan like Gwyneth Paltrow's by dusting a rich apricot color on cheeks.

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希尔玛点点头,爬起身来,双手慌张掸掸裙子上的尘土。Hilma nodded, scrambling to her feet, dusting her skirt with nervous pats of both hands.

在掸拭灰尘和打扫老师的教室之余,芭蕉把所有学来的知识都做好笔记。Between dusting and sweeping the master's classrooms, Issa kept notes of all that he learned.

还要防止背面粘脏,一般采用防脏剂、喷粉或夹衬纸。We still have to prevent sticking on the back, usually against dirty, dusting or backing paper.