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他们对工作和生活充满热情。They are full of fervency to the job and life.

工作热情高,有强烈的责任心。Job fervency high , has intense sense of responsibility.

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足球运动员们被球迷的热情所打动。The football players were moved by fervency of the fans.

内心的火热却又想把这冰封的冷漠融化。Inward fervency wants to melt this icebound indifference but.

青春是自信,梦想,热情,友爱等的代名词。Youth is the pronoun of confidence, dream, fervency , friendship and so on.

在奥运会上,我们向世界展示了我们的文化,友谊和热情。On Olympiad, we have shown our culture , friendship and fervency to the world.

他们对工作的热情源自对计算机行业的浓厚兴趣。Their fervency is originated from deepness to computer industry interest in job.

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为进一步扩大公司业务,公司全体同仁愿为所有新老客户真诚、热情的服务。We will cooperate sincerely with friends in full fervency and best service in the future.

赐给我们以勇敢热心态度,将我们信靠您的原因告诉其他的人。奉主耶稣圣名,阿们!Give us the ability to express to others our faith in Jesus Christ with all boldness and fervency.

他对我们炽热的爱,应许“充充足足的成就一切超过我们所求的”。In the fervency of His love for us, God promises to do "exceeding abundantly above all" we could ask.

震撼数学界的历史事件引起世界各界广泛热烈关注。Shocking the mathematical circles, it also arouses far-fLung and fervency interest all over the world.

当然,当以利沙回到以色列,他一定更加迫切的向他的同胞传讲上帝的救恩。Surely, when he returned to Israel, he preached with all the more fervency to bring salvation to his people.

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当我想到祂伤痕,坐在祂的十字架下,能不燃起热情和热诚吗?Can I think of his dear wounds, can I sit at the foot of his cross, and not be stirred with fervency and zeal?

爱人,告诉我,我是否不懂爱,让你对我的爱由热情变冷淡。The lover, tells if my , my do not know love , lets you be changed into a frozen mitten to my love from fervency.

这所学校有良好的语言氛围,学生刻苦努力,学习热情很高。This school has fine language atmosphere , the student makes great efforts assiduously , studies fervency very highly.

理综楼前的积水已经淹没了鞋底,但这似乎根本无法淹没所有微软俱乐部会员的热情。The seeper in front of the science building submerged our sole, but could never submerge the fervency of the members in MSTC.

阳光明媚,我们热情洋溢,我们有着爱绿护绿的积极和热情。Sunlight is bright and beautiful , we are brimming over with enthusiasm , we have love green protect green active and fervency.

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莫扎特的音乐典雅秀丽,如同珍珠一样玲珑剔透,又似阳光一般热情温暖,洋溢着青春的生命力。Mozart's music, as the delicately made pearls and the warm and fervency sunshine, filled with the vitality of youth, is of elegance and beauty.

夏日的静谧和冬日的浪漫让您充分品味独特的北欧风情,北欧人的热情将使您流连忘返。The tranquility in summer and romance in winter will bring you the typical Nordic style, the fervency of Swedish gives you a feeling like home.

可这就是我的性格。看来你不了解我!冷漠中总是隐藏热情!你能发现就很好。But, this is my character. You do not know me about most probably! Fervency indifferent middle is always concealed! You can find that very good.