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他们合着击鼓声跳舞。They timed their steps to the drumbeat.

今年它集中于‘关于开放式网络的教育’。This year Drumbeat focused on ‘education for the open web’.

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开始击鼓时,花束就开始依次传递,鼓声一落,如果花束在某人手中,则该人就得罚酒。At the time the drumbeat ends, the person with the flower in his hand shall drink for punishment.

如果不愿喊叫,重复的鼓点还使人们可以拍手放松因敲击键盘而僵硬的双手。And if grunting is too much, a repeating drumbeat encourages clapping for keyboard-strained hands.

这就需要团体有一定程度的联系来维持团体和谐的水平。This allows the community a certain drumbeat of connections to maintain of level of community unity.

究其原因,索厄尔认为是知识分子的功劳,是他们坚定不移反战卫国的努力所致。Why? Because of intellectuals and their "steady drumbeat of pacifist anti-national-defense efforts."

不过,虽然来自欧洲的鼓点声有些不妙,但有理由相信舞蹈还将持续一阵子。Yet as ominous as the drumbeat out of Europe is, there is some reason to believe the dancing will go on for a bit.

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你可能听到有人把这些行为称为“科学化的方法”,似乎所有的科学家都在向着颠扑不破的真理行进。You might hear someone refer to these practice as "the scientific method, "as if all scientists march to the drumbeat of an absolute.

他们说,只要有一个问题我们回答不上来,或是有一份文件交不出来,媒体就会继续鼓噪,要求任命一名独立检察官。They said as soon as we couldn’t answer a question or produce a document, the press would return to the drumbeat for an independent counsel.

弥漫的恐惧增强,Junichi说,媒体也发出余震,海啸和核泄漏的警报。The lingering fears have been intensified, Junichi said, by the drumbeat of media reports warning of new tremors, tsunamis and radiation leaks.

在过去的几天里,奥巴马的尖锐言辞代表了政府不断的“鼓声”,目的是给企业高管施加压力,让他们放弃高额奖金。Obama's sharp words continued an insistent administration drumbeat over the past few days designed to pressure the bonus recipients to forgo them.

Eitel称,"感觉现在就是银行融资的大好时机.市场有这样的呼声'我们要的是普通股'.""There is a sense that right now is a good time to raise capital for banks," Eitel said. "There really is a drumbeat of, 'We want common equity.'"

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现今被如鼓点般袭来的对绞细牛肉,花生以及最常见的开心果这些食品的讨伐所驱使,消费者也许更会注意这种声音。Now, driven by a drumbeat of food recalls -- ground beef, peanuts and, most recently, pistachios -- consumers may be more inclined to heed the call.

此外,如今工资涨幅更小,失业压力增大这些因素使得许多的消费者变成勒紧裤腰带来花钱的价值型购买者。More recently, small salary increases and the steady drumbeat of job losses have turned many consumers into value shoppers, as they tighten their belts.

分析师纷纷质疑,监管机构或花旗的管理高层和董事是否会给潘迪特时间完成这项工作.There has been a drumbeat of analysts' questions about whether regulators or Citigroup directors and executives will give Pandit time to finish the job.

对于马萨诸塞州伍斯特市克拉克大学的阿曼达?海默斯这样的应届毕业生来说,疲软的就业市场不断传来的坏消息令人担忧,甚至让人心生恐慌。For seniors like Amanda Haimes at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, the drumbeat of bad news about the weak job market is worrying, even scary.

近些年来,随着新研究的发现和越来越多的临床试验和介入,关于儿童肥胖的关心的鼓声变得越发响亮。The drumbeat of concern about childhood obesity has grown louder in recent years, with much new research and more and more clinical trials and interventions.

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毕竟而言,正是自从威尔逊具有分水岭意义的总统任期以来,美国的外交政策才得以伴随着威尔逊总统理想主义的阵阵鼓点不断迈进,且时至今日依然奋进不辍。It is above all to the drumbeat of Wilsonian idealism that American foreign policy has marched since his watershed presidency, and continues to march to this day.

穆迪、标准普尔和惠誉等评级机构发出的密如鼓点的评级下调和警告,的确已经构成欧债危机的一道主要特色.A drumbeat of ratings downgrades and warnings from Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings, has indeed been a major feature of the euro zone debt crisis.

乌鸦的大声啼鸣、我的求救、海蒂绝望的叫声,还有下面父亲上楼来的跺脚声,我们的声音相互缠绕一起。Our voices wound around each other, the shriek of crows, my scream for help, Hattie’s scream of despair, and underneath, the drumbeat of Father’s footsteps mounting the stairs.