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你使我脱胎换骨!You make my completely reshape myself!

龙芯也可能改变全球计算机产业格局。Loongson could also reshape the global PC business.

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欧巴马赌注他自己可以改造全球舆论。Mr Obama is gambling that he can reshape global opinion.

星巴克这一举动可能会促成咖啡市场新格局。Starbucks' move has the potential to reshape the market.

然后,用激光修整下层角膜组织的形状。Then, a laser is used to reshape the lower layer of corneal tissue.

重塑的玻璃,它必须不断地加热到留软。To reshape the glass, it must be continually reheated to stay soft.

一年后,她的这场悲剧性的死亡可能会导致同性婚姻的新格局。One year later, her tragic death could reshape the gay-marriage debate.

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经过一天左右的风吹和日晒,沙丘干燥起来,那时的风就会把它的形状重塑一次。When the dune dries in a day or so the wind will begin to reshape it once again.

一天左右,沙丘干透后,风将再次重新塑造沙地的形状。When the dune dries in a day or so, the wind will begin to reshape it once again.

如果神可以重塑世界,而你可以操控神,那么你是什么?If a god can reshape the world and you can enthrall a god, what does that make you?

通过整形电路,使混频后的正弦信号变为方波信号。The sine signal from the mixer was turned to the square signal by a reshape circuit.

帕特尔认为,通信技术最终将再造公司的行为方式。In time, thinks Mr Patel, communications technology will reshape corporate behaviour.

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这十大趋势,将重塑消费者进行旅游搜索、消费和购买的模式。These ten technology trends will reshape the way consumers search shop and buy travel.

为提高公共服务质量,我国将对事业单位进行整改。China is set to reshape its government-funded public institutions to improve public services.

您还将学习为自然的皮肤,头发与手进行润色的同时保持它们原来的特色。You will learn how to retouch and maintain natural skin, hair and hands and reshape the body.

这意味着,美国的节油举措未必能够改变世界格局,或削弱产油国的力量。And that means that a U. S. oil diet won't necessarily reshape the world or weaken petrostates.

将那细薄的眼角膜折叠起来然后使用准分子激光器改造眼角膜床下的形状。The corneal flap is folded and the excimer laser is used to reshape the underlying corneal bed.

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若要成功,你得充分利用阳光、雨水、风和其它的自然之力让小岛重回生机。To make it that far, you'll use the sun, rain, wind and more to reshape the land to your bidding.

那些尝试过重塑人类天性的社会都由于残酷无情而备受关注。Those societies that have attempted to reshape human nature have been noted for their ruthlessness.

她说教育部希望新招生政策能够重塑12年制的公共教育体系。She said the ministry hopes new admissions policies will reshape the 12-year public education system.