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瞪眼,你的眼睛可以鼓出来。Stare. Your eyes can bulge somewhat.

苹果把他口袋塞得鼓了起来。The apple made a bulge in his pocket.

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藏在衣服内的枪使他的上衣鼓出一块。The gun caused a bulge in his jacket.

他把这叫作财政膨胀的战争。Call it the Battle of the Fiscal Bulge.

你口袋里那块鼓鼓囊囊的东西是什么?What's that awkward bulge in your pocket?

胀起后自动胀紧管芯。Bulge the tube core automatically after swelling.

如今,我的文件夹被八百余封拒信塞得鼓鼓囊囊。My files now bulge with more than 800 rejections.

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这只变色龙被鉴定为新种就是由于它鼻子上那些膨胀的鳞片。In this case it's the bulge of scales on its nose.

弃置胀罐或渗漏的罐头。Discard cans that bulge at the ends or that are leaking.

疝发生后,一般来说,你会在腹壁皮肤上看到一个隆起。A hernia is usually recognized as a bulge under your skin.

玻璃不能在接口处膨胀,因此表面存在了压应力。Glass cannot bulge at the seams, so the surface becomes compressed.

古老的恒星驻留在位于星系的圆盘中心凸起的部分。Older stars reside in the bulge at the center of the galactic disk.

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而小肚子就纯粹是由大量脂肪肥肉堆积所致!The belly bulge is a lot of fat for purely due to fat accumulation!

因此,“栅栏”的中部就出现了一个明显往上的凸出部分。The ‘picket fence’ therefore had a decided upward bulge in the middle.

腰间的手枪枪管微微鼓起。The cut off barrels of the shotguns made a slight bulge under the waist.

青年们仰面浮游,他们雪白的肚皮朝著太阳隆起。The young men float on their backs, their white bellies bulge to the sun.

是啊,我每天都在跟身上的赘肉作斗争,这种想法的确有用!Yea, I’m battling the bulge on a daily basis and such mind tricks do help!

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数十亿颗古老的恒星造成了延展开来的中央集中区的散射光芒。Billions of old stars cause the diffuse glow of the extended central bulge.

至少有一种方法如激素植入能明显地鼓起男人的二头肌。But at least one method, hormone implants, visibly bulge from a man’s bicep.

但是它们的肚子却因为怀了蛋而变得圆滚滚的。Their bellies, however, may bulge with eggs, giving them a round appearance.