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控制不住的骑士冲动?Uncontrollable urges of chivalry?

怀特先生毫无忌惮地贪求名利。Mr. White have uncontrollable greed for fame and wealth.

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耽酒狂患者,指一个人有一股不可控制的喝酒的欲望。The dipsomania has an uncontrollable compulsion to drink.

这是一个可控和不可控因素的混合物。It was a mixture of controllable and uncontrollable factors.

我们同时也害怕闹饥荒,超出我们控制的天气变化。There was also the fear of famine, of uncontrollable weather.

看到事情竟然搞成这个样子,他难以抑制心头怒火。Uncontrollable anger surged up when he saw what had been done.

工作场所会倾向于,公开化,更巨大,更加不可控制The workplace would become less personal, bigger, uncontrollable.

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他的出现给我带来无比的快乐,他差不多是我的小太阳。His presence gives me uncontrollable joy, almost as if he were my sun.

我抑制不住的好奇心战胜了压抑勇气的恐惧。My uncontrollable curiosity had taken a step above my gut-wrenching fear.

如今它已蔓延至13,000公顷并呈显无法遏制的态势。Now it has spread across 13,000 hectares and appears to be uncontrollable.

他对食物有无法控制的喜好,用膳时喝很多水。He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals.

文学语言是语言家族中狂放不羁的浪子悍妇。Literature language is the uncontrollable" hellcat" in the family of language.

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当他看见自己的画被糟踏了时,难以克制的愤怒涌上心头。Uncontrollable anger surged up when he saw what had been done to his painting.

他们说,问题最终像雪球般越滚越大,直至局面失控。The problems ultimately snowballed into an uncontrollable situation, they said.

带着有些按捺不住的激动,我们开始了这段惊现之旅!With uncontrollable excitements, we began this journey of surprising discovery.

在那一瞬间,她内心充满了无法控制的狂怒,那狂怒扼杀了她的灵魂。In that instant, she was filled with an uncontrollable rage, and it smothered her soul.

林点了下头,杨紧紧拥抱着她,在哭泣中释放着压抑多年的情感,“对不起,我错了!Lin nods. Yang hugs her tightly as pent up emotions give way to uncontrollable sobbing.

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缺失理性维度的个人自由毫无节制且漂流无着。The individual freedom without rational limitation appears uncontrollable and rootless.

卑微,贪婪,渴望,挣扎,欲罢不能的疯狂,她是他的全部意义。Lowliness, greed, lust, struggle, uncontrollable insanity, she was the whole point of him.

正是这种兽性形了那些关于凶残的歇斯底里的半人半兽的传说。It is this savagery that has given rise to the legends of brutal uncontrollable man-beasts.