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别在所有问题上都持骑墙态度呀。Don't straddle on every issue.

中道就坐落于轮回和涅槃之间The Middle Path here is to straddle between Samsara and Nirvana

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两个亮氨酸拉链螺旋的延伸部分跨过DNA的大沟。Extensions of the two leucines zipper helix straddle the DNA major groove.

在唯一一座横跨两个大陆的城市伊斯坦布尔旅行时,你会产生穿梭时空之感。Travel back in time in Istanbul, the only city to straddle two continents.

我写过的许多书经常会横跨奇思妙想与忠告之间的界限。I've written a lot of books that straddle the line between whimsy and advice.

这个度假胜地综合设施要横跨关键的环境区域的大部分。The resort complex would straddle a large portion of a key environmental area.

贯穿整个故事,Lara的社会流动性见证了她横跨了不通的阶层的财富状况。Lara's social mobility sees her straddle various strata of wealth throughout the story.

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你们是怎样把集装箱转运到船边的?是跨运车还是叉车?How do yon transfer the vans to the ship's side? Do you use straddle carriers or forklifts?

你们是怎样把集装箱转运到船边的?是跨运车还是叉车?How do you transfer the vans to the ship's side? Do you use straddle carriers or forklifts?

二叠纪末期大部分岩石记录要么残缺不全,要么难以断代。Most rock sequences that straddle the end of the Permian are either incomplete or hard to date.

除做跨跃动作外,两腿都应并拢,脚尖伸直。For all skills apart from straddle jumps, the legs should be kept together with the toes pointed.

马蹄瀑布横跨加拿大安大略省和美国纽约州之间的两国边境…The Horseshoe Falls straddle the Canadian-United States border between Ontario and New York State.

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蓝柏特、波柏和班克斯横跨科学与政策制定的世界。ROBERT J. LEMPERT, STEVEN W. POPPER and STEVEN C. BANKES straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.

波柏、蓝柏特和班克斯横跨科学与政策制定的世界。STEVEN W. POPPER, ROBERT J. LEMPERT and STEVEN C. BANKES straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.

纵跳箱分腿腾越是中学体育教学中的难点问题。Longitudinal box horse straddle is a difficulty problem in the teaching of physical education in high school.

班克斯、波柏和蓝柏特横跨科学与政策制定的世界。STEVEN C. BANKES, STEVEN W. POPPER and ROBERT J. LEMPERT and straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.

众多大型比赛中,屈体分腿跳成俯撑因分值高而被频繁使用。At major competition, picked straddle jumping into front support is used frequently because of its'high score.

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我被弄的直出汗并默默的骂着自己,这个时候但丁走近了我,我感觉他在我旁边蹲成马步,把他的手放在我的后背。Sweating and silently swearing to myself, I felt him straddle the air around me and place his hands on my back.

分腿后手翻是体操世界冠军凌洁平衡木成套动作中的一个重要动作。Straddle back handspring" is an important action in the beam voluntary of Ling Jie the world gymnastic champion."

塔楼的两个基座跨越埃德加街,然后螺旋上升,在中间合二为一,然后再分成两个大厅。The tower’s two bases straddle Edgar Street and then spiral up, joining in the middle before splitting off into two atria.