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我们在较高的天空可以看到五车二是一颗金黄色的星星。Capella is a golden star when seen higher up in the sky.

它是基于马自达五车,其中主要是在日本售出。It was based on the Mazda Capella which was mainly sold in Japan.

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卡佩拉和弗尔顿模型的一些锐利颜色也可随时使用。Some sharp colors for the Capella and Fulton models are also on tap.

这场奇异鞋展的名字叫作“改头换面的鞋子”。They are being shown at the Reinventing Shoe exhibition at La Capella dels Angels.

歌唱家可以伴着乐器演唱,也可以无乐器伴奏清唱。Vocalists can perform with instrumental accompaniment, or they may perform a capella.

当你在高空中看到五车二时,这种同时发出两种光的现象就会消失了。When you see Capella higher in the sky, these glints of red and green will disappear.

五车二发出的黄色的光线说明它表面为中等温度,如同我们的太阳。The yellowish color of Capella indicates a mid-range surface temperature, much like our sun.

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另一个有趣的公司等候在翼上市不久的是无伴奏合唱曲网上大学。Another interesting company waiting in the wings to go public soon is Capella Online University.

五车二位于御夫座的一角,它代表着御夫的左肩。Capella at one corner of the constellation Auriga . Capella marks the Charioteer's left shoulder.

这是另一个已不可不看,也是我非常喜欢的一个来自他们的表演,非常非常厉害!This is another group of A Capella team that I love very much, especially the perfect the bass sound.

五车二是御夫星座中的其中一颗星,但是从很早以前它便开始被称为山羊座。Capella is in the constellation Auriga the Charioteer, but since antiquity it has carried the name "Goat Star."

在我上初中的时候,曾组建过一个大人小孩双拍档式的3人清唱团队,后来在大学的时候甚至有一个5人清唱团队。I had a Boyz II Men-esque 3-person a capella group when I was in junior high – and another 5-man group in college.

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三人也在现场清唱了这几首新歌,优美的合声让所有人听得如痴如醉。The trio also sang these new songs a capella on the spot. Their beautiful harmonizing completely mesmerized everyone.

配有112个房间的新加坡Capella酒店位于圣淘沙岛,围绕其周的是茂盛的草坪、孔雀群和各种雕塑。The 112-room Capella Singapore on Sentosa Island has lush lawns, peacocks and sculptures surrounding a heritage hotel.

就如更明亮的直到几个小时之后才在东南方升起的天狼星一样,卡佩拉在天空中较低位置时通常疯狂地闪烁着。Like brighter Sirius, which does not rise until several hours later in the southeast, Capella often flickers madly when low in the sky.

梵蒂冈博物馆里面的西斯廷小教堂是我本次旅程最想来的地方。Now, Musei Vaticani, which cradles Capella Sistina, the crown jewel of European artistic creation, is the place I wanted to see the most.

五车二就在塔身左侧,毕宿五、参宿四、参宿七和猎户座腰带三星在重度光害的天空中才刚刚能看到。Capella is left of the tower and Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, Rigel, and stars in Orion's Belt can just be identified in the heavily light-polluted skies.

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五车二位于御夫座的一角,被称作是御者的左肩,而御夫座第二亮的星星五车三被称作是御者的右肩。Capella is located at one corner of the constellation Auriga. Capella marks the Charioteer's left shoulder. Menkalinan, the second-brightest star in Auriga, marks the right shoulder.