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今年春天,我在自家院子里开辟了一片野花花园。This spring,I started a wildflower garden in our yard.

野花华尔滋,绵羊溪华尔滋,小鹿挽歌。Wildflower waltz, sheep creek waltz, dead calf lament.

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今年春天,我在自己的院子里面开辟了一块野花园。This spring, I started a wildflower garden in our yard.

一小块野花地对蝴蝶的吸引力非常大。A small wildflower meadow is very attractive to butterflies.

你可以相信,我会停下来把它们移植到我的野花花园里。You can bet I'll stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.

今年,一些人称死亡谷内的野花盛开为“超级绽放”。This year, some people called the wildflower display a "super bloom."

灰暗的秋色降临,我站在美国最后一片开着野花的草原当中。As an autumn gray settles, I stand in the middle of one of the last wildflower prairies in America.

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甚至帕克德自己都承认那不同寻常的野花一定是偶然出现的,或被认错了。Even Packard admitted to himself that the unusual wildflower must have been a fluke, or misidentified.

是的,如果我再次看到那些蓝色的花儿,你可以相信,我会停下来把它们移植到我的野花花园里。And yes, if Isee the blue flowers again, you canbet I'll stop and transplant them tomy wildflower garden.

是的,如果我再次看到那些蓝色的花儿,你可以相信,我会停下来把它们移值到我的野花花园里。And yes,if I see the blue flowers again,you can bet I'll stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.

是的,假如我再次看到那些蓝色的花儿,你可以相信,我会停下来把它们移植到我的野花花园里。And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I'll stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.

还有另一个例子,在中西部地区,落叶林和开满野花的草原之间的边界是无法渗透的,这一点非常明显。As another example, the border between deciduous forest and wildflower prairie in the midwest is remarkably impermeable.

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本土的野花地和草场一旦栽植好,不需要肥料,也几乎不需要补充额外的水,只需每年除除草。Native wildflower and grass meadows require no fertilizer, little or no supplemental water, and only annual mowing, once established.

在勋爵故居,重建一个新的辉煌,野花大厅重现了殖民时代的伟大风格。The former residence of Lord Kitchener, rebuilt to a new magnificence, Wildflower Hall recreates the grand style of the colonial era.

哦,这是一个进行研究的有趣主题,也是野花和药草王国为什么选择在本文中聚焦于此的原因所在。Well this is an interesting subject to look at and this is why the wildflower and herb kingdoms choose to focus upon this in this essay.

从野花遍布的草地到红杉森林,再到阿尔卑斯的沼泽地,种子植物多样性的耀眼成就吹响了植物进化的号角。From wildflower meadows to redwood forests to alpine bogs, the diversity of seed plants rings out as one of evolution's great achievements.

在这些美丽的野花中,一位科学家发现了全球气候变暖的潜在影响的有力证据。It is amidst these beautiful wildflower fields that one scientist has already found alarming evidence about the potential impact of global warming.

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无论您在冒险的或容易节奏的追求是度假的野花大厅承诺假期充满了惊喜和难忘的回忆。Whether you are in quest of adventure or an easy-paced vacation, the Wildflower Hall promises a holiday full of surprises and unforgettable memories.

一个春天的早晨,魏女士开着大门,在屋子前面撒些野花籽,当时她看到小布正在窗口张望。One spring morning, Ms. Weir was spreading wildflower seeds in front of the house with the door wide open, when she saw him staring wistfully out the window.

苔原野生动物和植物图片。约有400种类的野花生活在苔原,在夏季它们提供意外的迅速的生长的色彩,像这火草的小树林靠近路边在德纳里峰,阿拉斯加。Some 400 wildflower species live in the tundra. In summer they provide unexpected explosions of color, like this fireweed grove near a roadside in Denali, Alaska.