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外国人如何将卖房款汇回国内?How can I repatriate the funds from the sale of house?

干得好,把其他美国官员揪出来,然后遣返。Well done. Find out some other US officials and repatriate them.

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这是归还帕台农雕塑的最好理由。There is no better reason to repatriate the Parthenon sculptures.

中国是否会将中国境内的朝鲜人遣返回国?Is China going to repatriate these North Koreans within the Chinese territory?

该怎样向国外汇寄其利润与股息和从国外汇回资本?How does a company remit its profits and dividends and repatriate capital abroad?

然而,随着暴力运动的普遍展开,朝鲜政府现在拒绝将他们遣送回国。But with a popular uprising unfolding, their government now refused to repatriate them.

当然,中国可以将出口商们通过将商品挣来的美元都遣返回美国。China could, of course, repatriate all the dollars its exporters earn by selling stuff to the U.S.

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它可以不受限制地将利润汇出境外,可以随时出售资产,并且交纳较低的企业所得税。It can repatriate its profits freely, sell assets as it wishes, and pay relatively low corporate taxes.

当前,外来流动人口收容遣送工作存在着一定的盲目性。There is a certain blindness in the present work to house and repatriate the exotic floating population.

因此,把那些几年前出境的产业,连同与它们一起出境的就业岗位“遣返回国”,也许需要时间。So maybe it's time to "repatriate" those industries that were off-shored years ago, along with their jobs.

国会近期也已颁布法律,允许美国公司将国外利润返回国内时享受有利的税收条件。Congress has also recently enacted legislation to allow US companies to repatriate foreign profits on favourable tax terms.

意见分歧和安全下降使遣返大约一百名也门关塔那摩疑犯的计划复杂化了。The disagreements and security lapses have complicated efforts to repatriate the 100 or so Yemenis remaining in Guantánamo.

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日本修改税法也鼓励了企业将海外利润汇回国内,因为不这样做将会被课以重税。And a law change in Japan has encouraged corporations to repatriate profits earned abroad without getting hit by a hefty tax.

何鸿燊目前任全国政协常委,他经常斥巨资购得中国流失海外的艺术珍品,并捐赠给中国,他也因此颇得中国政府的好感。He was appointed to China's highest political advisory body and curried favor through spending lavishly to repatriate national art treasures.

也门官方对CNN说,他们并不能通过这个护照辨认主人身份,且巴基斯坦政府并未要求将这个院落里的任何人遣送回国。Yemeni officials told CNN they could not identify the passport and the Pakistani government had not requested to repatriate anyone at the compound.

此外,随着日本公司将海外投资获得的利润或收入转回国内,产生了这些公司持续买进日元的暗流。In addition, there is the persistent undercurrent of Japanese corporations buying yen as they repatriate profits or income earned off investments abroad.

印第安人把这一发现看作是想要剥夺部落要回并重新安葬遗骨的权利而玩弄的最新伎俩。But it didn't match any modern Indian tribe, a finding that Indians see as the latest scheme to deny tribes the right to repatriate and rebury such remains.

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东京汇市周一早盘,由于预期日本大型企业将从海外调集资金以满足紧急现金需求,日圆大幅升值。In early foreign-exchange trading, the yen rose sharply in anticipation that big Japanese firms will repatriate money from overseas to meet urgent cash needs.

托利后座议员曾要求大卫卡梅隆抓住因为这次危机引起的任何条约改变的计划,让权力从布鲁塞尔回到威斯敏斯特。Tory backbenchers have urged David Cameron to take the opportunity of any treaty changes arising from the crisis to repatriate powers from Brussels to Westminster.

埃及古物最高委员会主席哈瓦斯说,大都会博物馆一直是埃及努力收回非法出口古物的坚定支持者。According to Zahi Hawass, chief of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, the Met has long been a strong partner in Egypt’s efforts to repatriate illegally exported antiquities.