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一个秋天的上午,全班闹腾起来。One fall morning, the class was abuzz with excitment.

尔德节的第一天,全国上下一片喜庆和欢乐。The country is abuzz with happiness on the first morning of Eid.

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整个短暂的夏天里,山谷里鸟语花香,生机勃勃。Through the short summer season, the valley is abuzz with activity.

当事情进行顺利,休士顿是议论和成长的飞跃。When things are going well, Houston is abuzz and grows in leaps and bounds.

然而,当地媒体和许多居民被充斥罗托鲁瓦的数额。However, local media and many Rotorua residents were abuzz about the amount.

去年夏天,台湾新闻界充斥着鸿海将生产迁回岛内的讨论。Last summer the Taiwanese press was abuzz about production moving back home.

网上正在热议一款新的电动摩托车,还煞有其事。The Internets are abuzz about a brand new electric motorcycle, with good reason.

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忽然间,全世界都在闹哄哄地讨论大麻和其他毒品的合法化。Suddenly the world is abuzz with talk about legalizing marijuana and other drugs.

雷切尔夫人,她心里充斥的问题,涉及到卡斯伯特家寻求解释。Rachel, her mind abuzz with questions, goes to the Cuthbert house to seek an explanation.

不过这只兔子的来头可不一般,他所经营的一家餐馆已经在美食界声名远播了。Browsing. Like a rabbit, albeit a rabbit in charge of a restaurant that has set the culinary world abuzz.

他的竞争对手们在他们的报纸上和杂志上评论他,当地网站就他的职业和私人生活热烈讨论。Competitors profile him in their newspapers and magazines, while local websites are abuzz over his professional and personal life.

最近网上谈论关于太阳出没于错误的位置,月亮也不在其位。The Internet has been abuzz lately with reports of the Sun rising and setting in the wrong place, and the Moon being out of place.

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在最近的腐败风暴来袭之前,援助世界吵吵嚷嚷地要将基金的服务范围扩大到妇幼卫生领域。Until the latest storm broke, the aid world was abuzz with talk about expanding the fund's remit to include maternal and child health.

时届岁尾,新闻媒体忙于报导本年闻人与时事,容我放胆做一个令人置疑而又令人不安的遐思。At year's end, when our media are abuzz with men, events and personalities of the year, I venture a more dubious and disturbing speculation.

完成交配飞走时,雄蜂的带刺生殖器和腹部组织会被撕离身体,不久后便会死去。When the drone finally pulls away, his barbed penis andabdominal tissues are ripped from his body. He dies shortly thereafter — what abuzz kill.

下一年的年初,一家月刊对此进行了报道,后来又在国际互联网上成为热点。大学入学考试的网站上沸反盈天的全是关于这个问题的讨论。Early the following year a monthly magazine picked up the story, and then it hit the Internet. University entrance exam sites were abuzz with it.

二月初,这个城市正乱哄哄地期待着几周后要在米尔浦尔体育场开幕的国际板球联盟世界杯赛。In early February, the city is abuzz with anticipation because the ICC Cricket World Cup will kick off at the Mirpur Stadium in just a few weeks.

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灾难过后不久,国内的网络对所谓的“铁公鸡”,或者吝啬的一毛不拔的企业议论纷纷。Soon after the disaster, the Internet in China was abuzz with lists of so-called Iron Roosters, or birds so stingy they would not share a feather.

最近中国的报纸上的热点是八月底湖南省委书记张春贤的一次讲话,他提出“还权于民”。In recent days Chinese newspapers have been abuzz with reports about a speech given in late August by Hunan's Communist Party chief, Zhang Chunxian.

众媒体对此次合作津津乐道,王力宏在被问及时很恼火,显然不愿意消息太快走漏。While the media were all abuzz over the partnership, Wang appeared a little annoyed when queried, apparently not expecting the news to seep out so soon.