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就是说他有一点儿怪怪的。He is just sorta weird.

奶奶有点像另一个妈妈。Grandmas are sorta like extra moms f.

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一团一团均匀地挤在上面。I just sorta dollop it evenly on the top.

我们只是勇猛的评估与乐队到哪儿去。We're just sorta assessing where to go with the band.

你可以说它是八九不离十客,如果他们仍然这样做。You Can Call It A Sorta Podcast If They Still Do That.

我很想请你们进来,不过我现在有点忙。I'd invite you both in, but I was sorta in the middle of something.

奶奶有点像另一个妈妈――不过她们更宠你。Grandmas are sorta like extra moms-only they like you do more stuff.

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想想,我们曾经做过类似的事情,在他们国家。Then again, we did sorta do the same thing to them, over in their country.

这款游戏会让玩家真正与游戏人物产生更多的互动,整个游戏将会给人非常真实的感觉。They want the player to really feel what the characters are feeling, so everything is sorta real.

大卫,我觉得你是猛男,困在物理学家体内的猛男!David, I think you are a sweeping sorta fella, you a sweeper, trapped inside the physicist's body!

结果,尽管我的语言技巧没留多少印象,她有点喜欢我了。It turned out, in spite of my less-than-impressive linguistic skills, she kinda sorta liked me, too.

我的人生充满了失败和坎坷可以说我是个得过且过的人。I can't say that I've been much of anything most of my life. It's sorta like somewhere along the way.

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那么太阳能能够给我们提供一种非常便宜而且干净的能源。Then energy from the sun may provide the answer to our need for a new. cheep and clean sorta of energy.

在这里我一直有点动心,但我不想表现出来,因为我不知道她是否有同样的感觉。I've always sorta had a crush on here, but I didn't want to act, because I didn't know if she felt the same way or not.

我还提出了第三线和擦除的一部分,并八九不离十使加入另外两个看起来像冷静三角形。I also made a third line and erased part of it and sorta made it join the other two to look like a cool triangular shape.

只有波特兰能够少许放慢他进攻的步伐,但这也是消耗了三名防守精英--斯科特皮蓬,拉希德华莱士还有一个大个子萨博尼斯。Only Portland could kinda sorta slow him down, and it took three elite defenders -- Scottie Pippen, Rasheed Wallace and fellow giant Arvydas Sabonis.