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他先出了一张方块。He led a diamond.

她被引入歧途。She was led astray.

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他过着安逸的生活。He led an easy life.

他把我们带到了一个博物馆。He led us to a museum.

他把我们带到他家。He led us to his home.

它产生了共和主义。It led to Republicanism.

有一次,她们打了个25-0。One time, they led 25–0.

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不要被带坏了它。Do not be led astray by it.

数位式转速及时间显示。LED speed and time display.

过去老乔过着极其艰苦的生活。She led a rather hard life.

上半场中国队以67比30领先。China led 67-30 at half time.

爸爸带裘裘进入一间房子。Dad led Jo-Jo into the house.

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他把我们带到楼上一个房间里。He led us to a room upstairs.

该团由一支铜管乐队引导。A brass band led the regiment.

博士诺拉Volkow带领了这次研究。Dr. Nora Volkow led the study.

他在百米赛跑中领先。He led in the 100, meter race.

他把他们带离沼泽。He led them away from a marsh.

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这又引起了另一场拳打脚踢。That led to another fist fight.

因此,我要需做一个开腔手术。This led to open-heart surgery.

他领我进了一家服装店。He led me into a clothing store.