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我只是简单地把七块厨房用的抹布将夸脱罐子包上。I simply swaddle my quart jar in several kitchen towels.

一层层同心的虚无是我心的襁褓,裹着一口永不敲响的钟。Concentric nothingnesses swaddle my heart, a bell that never rings.

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您可能会发现如果你襁褓您的宝宝,他或她每晚都可以高枕无忧。You might find that if you swaddle your baby he or she will sleep better at night.

胖乎乎的粉嫩润红,还有许多秋果挂在枝头。Its swaddle wraps and unwraps , a red Plumpness , more apples of autumn on the boughs.

最后,拉较低的角落,直至塔克下婴儿的下巴完成一个安全的襁褓。Lastly , pull the lower corner up to tuck it under babys chin to complete a secure swaddle.

我最近在网上买了一些尿布,出生小宝的今天就到了,大号的还没来。I bought some diapers from Amazon last Sunday and the Pamper Swaddle NB and 1-2 already arrived today.

浏览者可以学习如何包裹婴儿、如何用水栽方式养植物,或是如何教他们的猫上厕所。Viewers can learn how to swaddle a baby, grow plants hydroponically or teach their cat to use the toilet.

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襁褓中的皇太子胤礽对于他注定将成为众矢之的的未来是毫无所知的。The crown prince in swaddle offsprings the future that Dai is destined to will make target of public criticism to him is to be without place know.

此外,由于您的宝宝得到岁的您可能会注意到您的宝宝不希望他或她的武器裹在毯,所以你可以襁褓没有双手被包裹起来。Also , as your baby gets old you might notice that your baby doesn't want his or her arms wrapped in the blanket , so you can swaddle without the hands being wrapped up.

个孩子都做了家庭相册,记录孩子的成长,甚至还保留了襁褓中的李丽第一次回中国时的登机牌。Kim had made family album for her three kids to record how they grow up. Even the boarding check for the first time Lily came back to China while she was in the swaddle is kept.

它是如此方便的运用在汽车座椅上。无论是带宝宝去看医生,还有效游,或者任何你需要的让宝宝温暖小睡的地方!It is so convenient to use as a blanket in the car seat, then as a swaddle at parties, doctor's visits, or any outing where you need the baby to be warm or ready to nap. Definitely worth it.

那几年大关人造田简直造疯了,就违反上背着襁褓的母亲也闲不住,也披星戴月地干。Close man-made cropland a few that years to be built simply greatly mad, violate on the mother that carrying swaddle on the back also idle does not live, also ground of travel day and night works.