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照这个方向走。Go in this direction.

风有风的方向。Wind is wind direction.

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好的,那是什么方向?Fine, in what direction?

方向错了吗?Is this direction wrong?

这是方向上的改变。C. A change in direction.

这个方向旋转。Spinning in this direction.

往哪个方向改?Which direction is changed?

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向海的地方或方向。A seaward place or direction.

你是和我去同一方向吗?Are you going in my direction?

电流方向倒换。Reversal of current direction.

这个方向我什么都看不到啊!The direction I do not see ah!

还有垂直的方向上动能。And in an orthogonal direction.

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它只会朝一个方向转。It only moves in one direction.

蝙蝠凭回声测定方向。A bat echolocates the direction.

上帝希望你有明确的方向。God wants you to have direction.

我设此方向为正。Let me call this direction plus.

二是目标或方向。The second is goal or direction.

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没有特定的方向。There is no preferred direction.

我们必须要有新方向。We must move in a new direction.

由于身处北极,所以无论往哪个方向走都是“南”。Because every direction is south.