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谁是莱恩·默里和杰弗里·豪爵士?Who are Len Murry and Sir Jeffery Howe?

丽萨•豪拒绝就此协议发表评论。Howe declined to comment on the agreement.

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“你这是什么意思?”豪挑衅性地问。"What does that mean?" Howe asked belligerently.

概念艺术家约翰·豪的胳膊是咕噜强壮有力的胳膊的原型。Conceptual artist John Howe was the model for Gollum's sinewy arms.

热烈欢迎拉尔夫·豪先生加入德霖阿索默高尔夫学院教练团队!Direct Link Golf welcomes Ralph Howe joining the Anselmo Golf Academy!

1872年朱丽娅伍德霍夫以致力于和平为母亲们设立一个节日。In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace.

这两种方法都证明,豪勋爵岛上的鲣鸟就是塔斯曼鲣鸟。Both approaches confirmed the birds on Lord Howe Island as Tasman boobies.

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在美国朱莉娅·沃德·荷于1872年提出了“母亲节”的建议。In the United States, Julia Ward Howe suggested the idea of Mother's Day in 1872.

豪是愤怒,但认为,作为一个报社记者,他没有什么可以做的。Howe was outraged, but felt that, as a newspaper reporter, there was little he could do about it.

不,这只不过是坐落于澳大利亚东海岸的豪勋爵岛典型的原始风貌。No, just a typically primeval slice of Lord Howe Island, located off the east coast of Australia.

但是,Petals使用了JBI规范中描述的标准扩展机制。Howe ver, Petals use the standard extension mechanism which is described in the JBI specification.

在美国的母亲在天的正式庆祝活动的想法是首先提出了在1872年朱丽娅伍德霍夫。The idea of official celebration of Mothers day in US was first suggested by Julia Ward Howe in 1872.

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豪说,出版商要求他写到1848年的美国为止,因为牛津这个系列的丛书下一册是始于1848年。Howe says his publisher determined the date because the next book in the Oxford series starts in 1848.

家豪愤恨望著珍珠,让珍珠心如刀割,警察带著家豪离去,珍珠抱著嘉和放声痛哭!Howe resentment looked at pearl, pearl heart ached, the police brought home hao, pearl cuddled jia and bawl!

钱析豪将金戈还活着的事情说出来,蔡主任想让金戈消息,钱柏豪不想那样做。Things money analysis will Mr Howe was alive, director tsai wants Mr News, Qian Baihao done want to do that.

不管怎样,公众肯定是足够成熟的,他们自己能够做出判断豪女士究竟是否或多或少地接近了真理。In any case, the public is surely mature enough to decide whether or not Mrs Howe is anywhere near the truth.

1872年由茱丽雅所提出的,她建议将这一天献给和平,并在波斯顿等地举行母亲节的集会。In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day dedicated to peace.

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豪从一组清楚显示旁观者正在救助汤姆林森先生的照片中挑出一张说。Howe took one of a sequence of photographs that show a clearly dazed Mr Tomlinson being helped by a bystander.

豪称轮船和铁路线连接了成长中的城市,给那些有才能的年轻人提供了机会。Howe says steamboats and rail lines linked growing cities that offered opportunities for talented young people.

豪写了一篇关于一个男人谁花了一所房子拖车,原来是有缺陷的积蓄新闻文章。Howe wrote a news article about a man who spent his savings on a house trailer that turned out to be defective.