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他拉开夹克衫的拉链。He unzipped his jacket.

他拉开包的拉链取出一个麦克风。He unzipped the pouch and removed a microphone.

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我认为我最终解出了这道微积分题。I think I've finally unzipped this calculus problem.

回到解压缩示例应用程序的目录。Go to the directory where you unzipped the sample application.

如果您还没有下载并解压这个文件,现在就执行这个步骤。If you haven't already downloaded and unzipped this file, do so now.

运行该命令时,应确保当前目录是解压监视器文件时使用的目录。Make sure the current directory is where you unzipped the monitor files.

每个档案应解压缩到1.44兆软盘与复苏的子目录启用。Each file should be unzipped onto a 1.44 Mb floppy with recovery of subdirectories enabled.

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余压缩及解压缩我国雨夹克,在不同的时间,但将其作为防风林。I zipped and unzipped my rain jacket at different times, but had to keep it on as a windbreak.

此文件将在代理上解压缩,并根据消息集保存在代理的文件系统上。This is unzipped on the broker and saved on the broker's file system according to message set.

与之前的违规者一样,这名男子转身向左,靠向墙壁,然后拉开了拉链。Like the previous offender, the man stepped off to the left, leaned close to the wall and unzipped.

复制所有的固件文件,其中包括解压缩文件密码保护的小勺目录在您的桌面上。Copy all the firmware files, including the unzipped password protected files to the tsp directory on your desktop.

基因组解密项目企图对遗传密码关于个人健康所能揭示的问题与否作出解释。The Genome Unzipped project intends to explain what genetic code can and cannot reveal about an individual's health.

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他拉下夹克拉链坐下来,将腿伸出来,把头靠在柔软的装饰垫上。He unzipped his jacket and sat, his legs stretched out in front of him, his head resting against the cushioned upholstery.

下载这个星际争霸花屏补丁,将其解压放到桌面上运行就OK了!Download this SC in win7 under the "flower screen" patch, then unzipped into desktop can be run , You Will See all the OK !

特雷弗把时光机器拿下来,快速地拉开行李袋拉链,把它塞到行李袋里面,没有弄出一点声音,后又溜回睡袋了。Trevor brought it down and quickly but silently unzipped his duffel bag, stuffed it in and slipped back into his sleeping bag.

这是继2月13号格莱美颁奖礼和2月15号全英音乐奖之后,贾斯汀的裤子拉链第三次上演掉裤门了。This is Justin’s third Pant-Gate in one week. At both the Grammys Feb. 13 and the Brit Awards Feb. 15, his flies were unzipped.

2005年,范德普登先生曾推出“反随地小便墙”的设计,这种墙具有波浪形的外壁,行人在它上面“方便”,反而会被自己的尿液溅到。In 2005, Mr. Vanderpooten unveiled a design for an anti-pipi wall, a jagged surface that splashes urine back onto the unzipped offender.

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当软件包块被发布到一个终点时,它没有被保存在终点中,而是在目标目录下被解压缩。When the software package block is distributed to an endpoint, it is not stored on the endpoint, but is unzipped in the target directory.

一种是当箱包拉开时会暴露放置便携式电脑装置的公文包,另一种是带可拆卸便携式电脑包的轮式手提包。One is a briefcase in which the attached laptop holder is exposed when the case is unzipped. The other is a wheeled carry-on with a removable laptop case.

示标准的解压缩技术,其中在分子的一端,通过施加力的双链DNA解压缩是不够的。Standard unzipping techniques, where double-stranded DNA is unzipped through the application of a force at one end of the molecule, are shown to be inadequate.