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XP是一种方法学么?Is XP a methodology?

什么是分阶段方法?What is phased methodology?

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你们采用那种方法论?What methodology do you use?

这种方法由下面五个步骤组成The five-step methodology consists of

焦点经常在方法论上。The sniping often focuses on methodology.

是编程人员必看的方法论。Watchable programmers is the methodology.

你觉得TIOBE的方法怎么样?What do you think of TIOBE's methodology?

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精心组织方法和办法。A well organized methodology and approach.

编写培训资料并确定培训方法。Develop training materials and methodology.

世界观、方法论、辩证法是也!It is world view, methodology and dialectics.

这一代人对方法论感到糊涂。This generation is confused about methodology.

本研究采用三阶段研究方法。Three-phased research methodology are adopted.

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结果获得了各研究地区的理论中心区位。Results The core center methodology is obtained.

它们其实是方法学和怎样做的结合体。They are a combination of methodology and how-to.

我们从方法论和科学转变到政治。We turn from methodology and science to politics.

泰瑞斯的实验在方法论上犯下了很多明显的失误。There were clear failings in Terrace's methodology.

理论和方法论也不一样。There's a difference between theory and methodology.

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这由SAP的SOA方法论进一步得到强化。This is further reinforced by SAP's SOA methodology.

针对单用户响应时间问题的调试方法Debugging methodology for single-user response time issues

马克思主义辩证法是未来学的方法论。Marxist's dialectics is the methodology of the futurology.