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气氛达到高潮。A shouted climax.

整场戏的高潮来了。Here comes the climax of the play.

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对一个来临的高潮的热烈的期盼。Relating to or constituting a climax.

这出戏逐步发展到高潮。The drama builds steadly toward a climax.

于是,我们把短片竞猜这一部分推向了高潮。Thus, we have put short quiz to a climax.

这是宝石匠技术高超的表演。It was the climax of the lapidary's skill.

第五场是全剧的高潮。The fifth scene was the climax of the play.

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这一切对我来见都如梦幻般美好。This is the climax of a fantastic era for me.

这是宝石匠技术高超的表演。Nay. It was the climax of the lapidary 's skill.

必将来的高潮时刻更多的却是失落。The inevitable climax was more of an anticlimax.

目前,群落处于比较稳定的顶极阶段。At present , they have arrive climax stable stage.

那个故事的紧张状态逐步发展到了高潮。The tension in that story builds up toward a climax.

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三人行给了我完成影片高潮的灵感。Ménage gave me great idea for the climax of the movie.

这快接近他们对话的高潮了。This is coming towards the climax of their conversation.

两国间的紧张状态渐渐达到了顶峰。The tension between the two countries built up to a climax.

很快,丈夫便在激情奔腾中达到高潮。Very fast, the husband gallops in passion in reach a climax.

在威玛时期之后,这种结合达到了高潮。After the Weimar period, the integration achieved its climax.

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这个文明的鼎盛即密西西比文化。The climax of this civilization was the Mississippian culture.

没有高潮但射进去了,会不会怀孕呢?Do only stream into having gone in , be pregnant without climax?

一次特别的颠簸的乘坐公交也带给我意外的高潮。One particularly bumpy bus ride brought me to a surprise climax.