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炮泥的作用是什么?What is the role ne?

东北德克萨斯州的喀多族人。Caddo people of NE Texas.

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我来量量你的体温。Let ne take your temperature.

明珠莫投暗。Cast not your pearls before ne.

黑龙江密山发现成年野生东北虎尸体。Dead Siberian tiger found in NE China.

东北德克萨斯州的喀多族人。A member of the Caddo people of NE Texas.

他的这齣新戏有些地方真是妙不可言。His new play has a certain je ne sais quoi.

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中国政府批复图们江区域开发新规划,以加强东北亚地区合作。China OKs border zone to boost co-op in NE Asia.

我们的新学校是老学校的四倍大。Our new school is four times as big as the old ne.

即使你伤心,也永远别皱眉。你无。Never frown, even when you are sad, because you ne.

就找到了NE防辐射美白茶的官网。NE radiation to find the official website white tea.

其次,本文对民营企业现实问题进行了判断。Secondly, it distinguishes actual problems of the NE.

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听同事说NE防辐射美白茶效果不错。NE radiation heard colleagues say that white tea, well.

他的属下有个叫杨戏的,性格孤僻,讷于言语。His staff play a man named Yang, withdrawn, Ne in words.

对不起我正忙着哩,有时间再和你聊。Excuse ne . I am busy at the monet. I"ll take you later."

在网上有意中看到了NE防辐射美白茶。Interested in seeing the Internet NE radiation white tea.

对丹瑞的提拔后来证明是奈温将军一生中最大的错误。It turned out to be Ne Win’s biggest mistake in his life.

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五代中央官学的研究是深入进行五代研究的必要内容。The research into the central school in Five Dynasty is ne.

我住在堪萨斯州东北部,已经阅读极移将如何影响堪萨斯州。I live in NE Kansas and have read how the shift will effect KS.

于是我就了解到NE防辐射美白茶是纯植物配方。So I learned that white tea is a pure NE plant radiation formula.