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运动本身就是矛盾。Motion itself is a contradiction.

人,真是一个矛盾体。People, is really a contradiction.

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于是有了表面矛盾。So here is a seeming contradiction.

人们认为那是相互矛盾的。People think that ' s a contradiction.

矛盾表面化了。The contradiction has become apparent.

我们的生活真是充满了矛盾。Our lives are filled with contradiction.

这就产生了法律的基本矛盾。It brings the basic contradiction of law.

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结果双方闹起矛盾来了。The results come two Naoqi contradiction.

人,终是矛盾而天真的啊。People, always contradiction and innocent.

“慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。A generous miser is a contradiction in terms.

似乎没有人注意到这种矛盾对比。And nobody seems to notice the contradiction.

现在现在还有一个更加深层次的矛盾。There is also a deeper contradiction at work.

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它们曾是这样一个矛盾,现在还是。Such a great contradiction they were, and are.

艾米丽布朗宁本身就是一个矛盾体。Emily Browning is the embodiment of contradiction.

其二,言与行的矛盾。Second, the contradiction between words and deeds.

应用于重言式和矛盾式。Application of this to tautology and contradiction.

我们对社会主义主要矛盾产生了偏见。We had bias on the main contradiction of socialism.

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爱是无法解释矛盾的死结…Love is cannot explain the contradiction Gordian knot.

没人跟你过不去,是生活本身矛盾密布。——柴静。No one with you, can not contradiction is life itself.

德国经济危机后,国内阶级矛盾尖锐。Germany's economic crisis, domestic class contradiction.