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半重瓣的深蓝色皱折菫型花。Semidouble dark blue frilled pansy.

撞色布泡泡袖及有褶饰边裙脚。Contrast color puffy sleeves and frilled hem.

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一想到还要返回去,他心里就害怕。The thought of returning frilled him with fear.

你准备好看处于完全恐吓模式下的皱褶蜥蜴了吗?Are you ready to see the frilled lizard in full scare mode?

圆领无袖印花布上衣,以多层打褶式设计。Round neck, sleeveless frilled top in four layers and floral print.

半重瓣-重瓣红色折边堇型花。中绿色平坦叶。标准型。Semidouble-double red frilled pansy. Medium green, plain. Standard.

重瓣中蓝色波折星型花。中到深绿色尖型叶,锯齿叶缘。大型。Double medium blue frilled star. Medium-dark green, pointed, serrated. Large.

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北澳大利亚是奇异动物的温床,包括皱褶蜥蜴。Northern Australia is a hotbed of exotic animals, including the frilled lizard.

北澳大利亚是奇异动物的温床,包括皱褶蜥蜴。Northern Australia is a hotbed of exotic animals, including the frilled lizard.

正如你看到的,这个练习的全部就是让皱褶蜥蜴逃跑。As you can see, the whole point of this exercise was to get the frilled lizard on the run.

知道2007年有人目睹一条活生生的皱鳃啥被冲上海岸才打消了这种误解。It wasn't until 2007 that someone witnessed a real live frilled shark wash up on the shore.

因为逃跑中的皱褶蜥蜴是自然界最反传统和娱乐的景观之一。Because a frilled lizard on the run is one of nature's most offbeat, entertaining sights.

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半重瓣的深浅不一深色红到深紫折边星形花。中绿色一般尖型叶,锯齿叶缘。标准型。Semidouble dark red-plum two-tone frilled star. Medium green, plain, pointed, serrated . Standard.

你准备好看处于完全恐吓模式下的皱褶蜥蜴了吗?好的,衣领小子,让我们看看你有什么本事。Are you ready to see the frilled lizard in full scare mode? Okay, collar boy, let's see what you got.

半重瓣的酒红色折边堇型花。深绿色,粉红色和黄褐色组合成的心状平坦斑叶。大型。Semidouble wine frilled pansy. Variegated dark green, pink and tan, plain, heart-shaped, pointed. Large.

嘿,嘿,看这儿!正如你看到的,这个操演的主要目的就是让皱褶蜥蜴跑一跑。Hey, hey watch it! As you can see, the whole point of this exercise was to get the frilled lizard on the run.

现在被认为是“活化石”,但皱鳃鲨可能也会走上它祖先的道路上。Right now it's known as a "living fossil. " But the frilled shark may be on its way to joining its ancestors.

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皱鳃鲨是一种极其珍贵罕见的活化石,虽然它的体型像一条巨型骇人的海鳗,它确实属于鲨鱼科。The frilled shark is a living fossil shark species which looks like a hideous giant eel but is actually a shark.

她在正常的海洋栖息地环境外不能生存,所以这只皱鳃鲨在被捕获后很快就死亡了。She was unable to survive outside of her normal marine environment, and the frilled shark died shortly after capture.

满口的三角牙证明皱鳃鲨是凶猛的捕食者,但科学家认为它不会攻击人类。With a mouthful of three-pointed teeth, the frilled shark may be a fearsome hunter, but it's considered harmless to humans.