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可是我们不能到梅肯去。But we couldn't be going to Macon.

博纳,赛布利,欧塞尔和梅森都在这里。Beaune, Chablis, Auxerre and Macon are here.

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麦肯站在那里,手放在枪上。MACON standing there, his hands by his guns.

不,没有但是没有新年晚会,没有梅肯。No . no buts , no new year ' s eve , no macon.

大约需要一小时就到达梅肯的阿什本,位于梅肯洲际75的南部。Ashburn is about an hour south of Macon on I-75.

这名嫌犯名叫马修麦肯,是在6月末从州监狱被保释的。Matthew Macon was paroled from state prison in late June.

2011年法国勃艮第马孔“特级葡萄酒竞赛“银奖。Silver Medal, Concours Des Grands Vins De France, Macon 2011

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麦肯。他十分勇敢并竭尽全力。静静地站着,没有避开对方的逼视。MACON. A brave man doing his best, he stands still and does not look away.

思嘉一直喜欢亚特兰大,她的理由恰恰就是萨凡纳、奥古斯塔和梅肯诋毁它的那些理由。Scarlett had always liked Atlanta for the very same reasons that made Savannah, Augusta and Macon condemn it.

法国中东部的一个丘陵地区,位于马孔和里昂之间的索恩河西部。以所产的葡萄酒闻名。A hilly region of east-central France west of the Saône River between Macon and Lyon. It is noted for its wine.

长岛号与他的兄弟艇梅瑟岛号是全金属的多丽丝·帕顿版的阿克伦号与梅肯号。The Long Island, and her sister, the Mercer Island, are enlarged, Metalclad descendants of the Akron and Macon.

艾肯。培根在烘熏猪肉。他烤熏的猪肉是从梅肯买进。所以他是在烘梅肯熏猪肉。Aiken bacon was baking bacon . the bacon he was baking was bought in macon . so he was making baked macon bacon.

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都柏林美国佐治亚州中部城市,位于梅肯东南偏东。它是伐木区的商业中心。人口16312。A city of central georgia east-southeast of macon. it is a commercial center in a lumbering area. Population 16312.

美国乔治亚州中部城市,位于梅肯东南偏东。它是伐木区的商业中心。人口',32。A city of central Georgia east-southeast of Macon. It is a commercial center in a lumbering area. Population, ', 32.

美国乔治亚州中部城市,位于梅肯东南偏东。它是伐木区的商业中心。人口16,312。A city of central Georgia east-southeast of Macon. It is a commercial center in a lumbering area. Population, 16,312.

酒质纯正,爽滑,果酸活泼,是一款清新的美酒,适与日常饮用。Straightforward, with its pure, clean, crisp fruit and zesty acidity. This is a light-bodied, fresh Mâcon for everyday drinking.

最后,这个拥挤不堪的城市已实在无法容纳更多的人,那些源源不断的伤兵才被送到梅肯和奥古斯塔去了。Finally the choked town could take care of no more and the overflow of wounded was sent on to the hospitals at Macon and Augusta.

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有人建议将在建的梅肯号加长,以加大其航程,但由于成本过高而未采纳。It was suggested that the Macon be lengthened while under construction. This would improve her range considerably. It was considered too expensive and was not done.