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他老得真快。He is ageing fast.

吸烟易致皮肤老化。Smoking causes ageing of the skin.

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阳光能导致未老先衰。The sun can cause premature ageing.

加速衰老的种种积习。Practices that accelerate ageing lift.

红宝石颜色,陈年后变成石榴红。Ruby red tending to garnet with ageing.

他们总是看起来精神不振,容易衰老。They always look in low spirits, easy ageing.

手术后衰老过程仍然在持续。With surgery the ageing process still continues.

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岁月不饶人,我不想成为某种上了年纪的流行歌手。I don't want to be some kind of ageing pop singer.

老龄问题将对社会各阶层带来压力。Ageing will put pressure on societies at all levels.

因此,就如来而言没有年龄的变化。Thus, no ageing occurs in the case of the Tathagata.

衰老的身体正如一块自我孕育了矿藏的土地。The ageing body is like a field self-sown with mines.

而且,衰老的样子也是有害无益的。Moreover , even the appearance of ageing can be harmful.

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随着橡木的老化,还赋予了它芬芳的香草气息。And the oak ageing gives it gorgeous flavours of vanilla.

全球老龄化的公共卫含意是什生么?What are the public health implications of global ageing?

人口老龄化是全球从未面临过的新问题,人类能从容应对吗?The world never seen population ageing before. Can it cope?

胆固醇加上吸烟和日晒可导致衰老。Cholesterol joins smoking and sunbathing as an ageing agent.

具有耐热、耐老化、抗撕裂性能!With heat resistance, ageing resistance, resisting avulsion!

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他想方设法地阻止了自己变老,甚至是阻止了自己长大。He had managed to prevent his ageing and even his growing up.

采用高质板材,美观,抗老化,耐用。Use high quality panel, beauty, ageing resistant and durable.

在注射端粒酶后,结果反之。The ageing effects were reversed after injections of telomerase.